Tidal Disruption from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Merging Galaxies: Before & After the Coalescence Shuo Li NAOC Collaborated with Rainer Spurzem, F. K. Liu, Peter Berczik, Xian Chen & Stefanie Komossa
Evolution of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries GW ~10kpc Hudson et al., 2006 ~kpc Komossa et al., 2003 ~10pc Rodrigue et al., 2006 Begelman et. al., Art by Xian Chen 3C NGC6240 5/23/2015
Tidal Disruption BH’s tidal gravity conquer star’s self gravity: –Tidal radius: 10 5 M ⊙ 10 6 M ⊙ 10 7 M ⊙ 10 8 M ⊙ Linda Strubbe NASA/CXC/M.Weiss 5/23/2015
Tidal Disruption Tidal Flare –Mass distribution during tidal disruption (TD): –Re-falling rate: –Luminosity: Evans et.al., APJ 1989, 346 L13 5/23/2015
TD in SMBHB Systems 5/23/2015
TD in SMBHB Systems A triple system is hierarchical and stable when ( Mardling & Aarseth 2001 ): The accretion interrupts at a time T tr : η ~ 0.27 in average theoretically. Our simulation results have η ~ Liu, F. K.; Li, S. & Chen, X., 2009, Art Credit: ESA - C. Carreau 5/23/2015
TD in SMBHB Systems A triple system is hierarchical and stable when ( Mardling & Aarseth 2001 ): The accretion interrupts at a time T tr : η ~ 0.27 in average theoretically. Our simulation results have η ~ Liu, F. K.; Li, S. & Chen, X., 2009, Art Credit: ESA - C. Carreau 5/23/2015 M BH =10 7 M ⊙, e = 0.3, q = 0.08, T = 150 days a ~ 0.59mpc ~ 620r g SDSS J Liu, F. K., Li, S. & Komossa, S., 2014
Tidal Disruption of Recoiling SMBH Phase I Phase II Boosted TD events around density center in phase I: Higher stellar density; 5/23/2015 Li, S., Liu, F. K., Berczik, P., Chen, X. & Spurzem, R., 2012
Tidal Disruption of Recoiling SMBH Boosted TD events around density center in phase I: Higher stellar density; Monotonic increasing TD rates for recoiling SMBH in phase I: Constant TD rates for stationary SMBH and recoiling BH in phase II: 5/23/2015
Summary The SMBHBs in normal galaxies are hard to detect; TD can be a very powerful tool to study SMBHBs in quiescent galaxies; –Boosted TD rates in merging galaxies; –The truncation of TD light curve can be used to distinguish SMBHB; –Boosted TD rates for recoiling SMBHB passing by galactic center; Large scale survey like LSST is very important; Long term follow up observation is very important. 5/23/2015