Ocean Energy
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Tidal Power Wave Power
OTEC Produces electricity Uses temperature differences between the surface and depths run heat engine. Highest potential: deep tropical waters like the Gulf of Mexico.
OTEC Second Law of Thermodynamics: Max eff. = (T high - T low )/ T low So, efficiency is pretty low.
Tidal Power – Dam or Barrage Dam or Barrage
Tidal Power – Annapolis Royal, NS
Tidal Power – Tidal Fence
Tidal Power – Tidal Turbine Similar to a wind turbine More power with smaller blades
Tidal Power – East River NY
Wave Power – Oscillating Water Column Off-shore and on- shore technologies Oscillating water column, wave swing, and tapchan are examples
Wave Power - Tapchan
Ocean Power – Disadvantages High capital costs Environmental impacts on sea life Sediment shifts Visual Pollution