Kevin Arndt
Tidal Power Tidal waves are influenced by a combination of the lunar gravitational pull and changes weather patterns. This is why waves tend to be higher at night: the moon is more directly involved in the tidal movements. The force and directional movements of tidal power are harnessed through hydroelectric pumps, which then use existing electrical grids to power consumer appliances such as lights, outlets, and possibly electrically powered vehicles.
Cost of Tidal Power Exact cost to construct tidal energy convertors is difficult to estimate, because there are lots of factors to keep in mind, such as location, size of waves, distance to consumers, and work force size. Technology for tidal energy is well developed, but is not used as much as it could be because it can take as long as 10 years to construct a fully operational system.
Types of Tidal Energy Convertors Dams are need to reserve the water for continuous energy flow Gates and turbines are where the water passes to generate energy An electric generator I needed to turn kinetic motion into electrical energy Finally, power lines are needed to transport the energy to consumer locations
Works Cited "Tidal Energy | Pros for Wave and Tidal Power." Ocean Energy Council | Green Wave Energy Sources. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar