Yeong-Bok Bae, Chunglee Kim and Hyung Mok Lee Seoul National University in Korea
Conservative GC -1 Gyr -1 (yr -1 ) Reference GC -1 Gyr -1 (yr -1 ) Optimistic GC -1 Gyr -1 (yr -1 ) BH-BHn/a2.5 (15)10 (60) NS-NS0.11 (0.01)0.27 (0.024)1.1 (0.1)
Compact binaries can be formed and ejected through dynamical interactions in GCs. ~ 30% of ejected BHs or NSs are in the form of compact binaries (BH-BH, NS-NS). BH-NS binaries are very rare. Merging time-scales of ejected BH-BH or NS-NS binaries depend on the central velocity of GC and some are shorter than the age of the universe. Estimated detection rate BH-BH: 15 yr -1, NS-NS: yr -1