Implement an Oscillating Hydrofoil in river Graduate Research Assistant International Arctic Research Center Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks Rui Han, Jessica Cherry, Robert Kallenberg
Short Intro
Project Definition Survey of the micro-hydro technology and resources. Design an oscillating hydro-foil energy conversion system for hydrokinetic electric power generation in river and tidal.
Background- Background-Nation Wide Climate change calls for renewable energy In 2009, U.S. hydrokinetic Power ≤ 1 MKW, hydropower > 77,000 MKW As of 2009, the FERC issued 146 applications to study 9,000 MKW Prediction: Hydrokinetic Energy could provide 13,000 MKW to the U.S. by 2025 EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2010 Quadrillion Btu
Background-State wide Resources Resources Many big rivers 90 % of U.S. tidal 50% of U.S. wave Energy Policy Energy Policy SB 220: 18 million increase to 250 million. HB 306: 50% renewable electricity by Uneven Electricity Cost Across State Uneven Electricity Cost Across State High energy cost for rural regions, most of which are near rivers
Technology Turbine (Dominant) Vertical axis Easy deploy Less efficient Cross flow Modular design Mooring issues Axial flow Most efficient Unidirectional RivGen™ by ORPC “EnCurrent” by New Eenrgy SmarTurbine™ by FFP * Picture courtesy of the original company
Our Technology Heave and pitch movement Motion controlled by the trim tab. Less hazardous to fish Genetically prevented from debris attacks
System Diagram
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity + +
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity
Experiment Prototype manufacture Hydrofoil Scotch Yoke PMG Coupling Verify the original idea Oscillating? Linear to Rotational? Estimate the capacity
Future work Numerical Modeling Electronic design System integration Optimization Other electrical machinery choices Economic Study Commercialization?
Thank you! Acknowledgement to Alaska EPSCoR NSF award #EPS and the state of Alaska.