Study of Using Induction Generator in Wind Energy Applications By Naif Y. Al-Zahrani Supervised by Dr. Ali M. Eltamaly
Guide lines Introduction Project Objectives Chapter 1, Renewable and wind energy Chapter 2, Induction Generator Chapter 3, Minimum Capacitance Conclusion
Objectives 1- Utilizing the wind energy to generate electricity. 2- Finding the required capacitance to build up the voltage across terminal of induction generator. 3- Calculating minimum value of capacitor to produce reactive power.
Ch.1 Wind Energy System The major types of renewable energy sources are: Wind Energy Solar Energy Hydro Energy Tidal Energy Biomass Energy Ocean Thermal Energy Geothermal Energy
Ch.1 Wind Energy System Components of Wind Turbine Generator: Rotor Blade Rotor Hub Gear Box Induction Generator Yaw System Tower Grid Connection
Ch.1 Wind Energy System Types of wind turbine generator: Horizontal axis WTG Vertical axis WTG
Ch.1 Wind Energy System Comparison between HA-WTG and VA-WTG:
Ch.1 Wind Energy System There are two types to control WTG: Constant speed constant frequency (CSCF). Advantages Disadvantages Variable speed constant frequency (VSCF).
Ch.2 Induction Generator Advantages of Induction Generator: Reliable simple Inexpensive Light weight Low maintenance rugged
Ch.2 Induction Generator Interconnection between IG and AC-Grid
Ch.2 Induction Generator Equivalent circuit of induction machine
Ch.3 Minimum Capacitance for SEIG Equivalent circuit of induction generator
Ch.3 Minimum Capacitance for SEIG Nodal analysis methods
Ch.3 Minimum Capacitance for SEIG Equations of nodal analysis method
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.11 When XL=0
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.13 When RL=0.5
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.15 When RL=1
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.17 When RL=2
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.21 When XL=0.5
Ch.4 Result Fig.4.23 When RL=0
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