Water Power A project by Lukas Heek, Philipp Sadowski, Florian Weinhold, Dominik Tichay, Andre Kleine Hohmann and Christoph Gerding
Ocean Energy The Power of Moving Water Inhalt
Ocean energy Three basic ways 1.Wave energy 2.Tidal energy 3.Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Wave Energy
Tidal Energy tides comes into the shore trapped in reservoirs turn water wheels to use it u need increase of at least 16 feet between low tide to high tide
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power plants can be built that use this difference in temperature to make energy. A difference of at least 38 degrees Fahrenheit is needed between the warmer surface water and the colder deep ocean water.
The Power of Moving Water
All around Planet Earth, water is on the move. It starts off as rain or snow on the mountains, water flows downhill under the force of gravity Running water forms streams and large rivers Seasonal rain and snowfalls bring fresh water back to the headwaters of streams, completing a very important ecological system called the “hydrologic cycle.”
Rivers and Streams are among nature’s most powerful forces There are many other forms of water in motion: Ocean waves, tides and currents.Currents and Waves are usually caused by winds blowing over the Ocean.Tides are caused by moon’s gravity Moving Water is an important source of mechanical energy. Humans have long appreciated the power of moving water, and have been using it for thousands of years.