Science with ALMA Archive Masa Hayashi (NAOJ) East Asia ALMA Science Workshop, Korea (July 14, 2014)
2 Archive Science Masa Hayashi (NAOJ): Science with ALMA Archive Aya Higuchi (Ibaraki): Science case with ALMA archive Tohru Nagao (Ehime): Extragalactic Studies with ALMA Archival Data Erik Muller (NAOJ): Using ALMA Archive; ALMA Science Archive substructure and operation
3 ALMA Status ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), S. Komugi (NAOJ/ALMA) 45 Antennas band4 band10band8 ALMA: a giant array of 66 antennas incl. ACA (Morita array) with four 12-m total power antennas
4 Science Capabilities Cycle 0 ( ) >16 x 12m antennas Bands 3 (3.1mm), 6 (1.3mm), 7 (0.87mm), 9 (0.44mm) Max 400 m baseline (~0.3″ resolution) Cycle 1 ( ) 32 x 12m antennas ACA (9 x 7m, 2 x 12m TP antennas) Bands 3 (3.1mm), 6 (1.3mm), 7 (0.87mm), & 9 (0.44mm) Max 1 km baseline (~0.1″ resolution) Cycle 2 ( ) 34 x 12m antennas ACA (9 x 7m, 2 x 12m TP antennas) Bands 3, 4 (2.1mm), 6, 7, 8 (0.74mm), & 9 Max km baseline (~0.1″ resolution) Polarization (Band 3, 6, & 7, no ACA)
5 Proprietary Period (12 months) Accessible by anyone
6 Proprietary Period (12 months) Most of Cycle 0 data (>100 projects) are publicly available now.
7 Publication with ALMA Archive As of (ALMA publication statistics) 1/3 of ALMA publications are based on archival data. There are only a few papers based on Cycle0 archival data.
8 Jørgensen et al. 2012, ApJL Discovery of the simplest sugar, Glycolaldehyde (HCOCH 2 OH) from the young “solar-mass” protostellar binary, IRAS ALMA Archival Papers ALMA SV Band 6 Data 16 antennas, 5.4 hours, 2 pointings Pineda et al. 2012, A&AL Mass ~ 3 M ⊙ Source B (inflow - inverse P-Cygni profile) Sources A (rotation)
9 Hirota et al. 2012, ApJL ALMA Archival Papers ALMA SV band 6 Data 16 antennas, 20 minutes Receding gas Approaching gas The first detection of vibrationally-excited water vapor emission in star forming regions Revealing the disk and its kinematics around Orion KL Source I: A new tool to explore the vicinity of forming stars
10 Probing detailed physical and chemical conditions of protoplanetary disks CO(3-2) Bergin et al. 2013, Nature T gas = 30 K M gas > 3.9 × 10 −3 M ⊙ ALMA Archival Papers ALMA SV band 7 Data, 9 antennas, 2.4 hours (x10 more sensitive than the previous SMA observations) Spectrum of the central region HST image ( um) Debes et al. 2013, ApJ SMA 2 nights => Hughes et al CO(3-2) 160AU / 3” 100AU NASA, ESA, Z. Levay (STScI/AURA) TW Hydrae
11 ALMA Archival Papers Iono et al ALMA SV Band 7 Data 17 antennas, 30 minutes Clear [CII] 158μm line detection from the distant galaxy BR (z=4.7) Wagg et al. 2012, ApJL SMA 20 hours
12 Discovery of a clumpy molecular gas arm in merging galaxies Stars will born in the clumps in the tidal molecular arms as predicted by numerical simulations Espada et al. 2012, ApJL ALMA Archival Papers CO(2-1) The Antennae ALMA SV Band 6 Data 14 antennas, 17 pointings ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) HST (NASA/ESA) Numerical Simulation Teyssier et al. 2010, A&AL Numerical Simulation Matsui et al. 2012,ApJ Old Stars Gas Young Stars The star formation efficiency in the tidal arm (~6 Gyr -1 ) is a factor of x10 higher than those in normal disk galaxies.
13 CO(3-2) ALMA Archive
14 CO(3-2) Quick Look with JVO
15 CO(3-2) Quick Look with JVO CO(3-2) emission from the AGB star R Sculptoris (Maercker et al. 2012, Nature)
16 Summary ALMA archival data of >100 Cycle 0 projects are now publicly available. 1/3 of ALMA publications are based on archival data. There are only a few Cycle0 archival papers publihed yet. JVO is useful to visually check the archival data.