Ahumada 48 – 7° piso / Teléfono : (56 -2) SANTIAGO DE CHILE
CHILE’S NATIONAL VOLUNTARY PRESENTATION Mrs. Paula Quintana Meléndez Minister of Planning ECOSOC, Nueva York, 2 July 2008
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Economic Development Social Development Democracy In accordance with the Millennium Development Goals.
Between 1999 and 2007: The economy grew at an average annual rate of 5.4%. Today, 2 out of every 3 dollars of public spending is designated to social investment.
OVERCOMING POVERTY During the democratic period poverty has been reduced to almost a third and extreme poverty to less than a fourth Evolution of Poverty and Extreme Poverty (%)
QUALITY OF LIFE AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION Sustained reduction in infant mortality rate Infant Mortality Rate (children under the age of 1)
REORIENTATION OF SOCIAL POLICY From assistance policy to a rights focus Identifying major vulnerabilities
Creation of the Chile Solidario Social Protection System, oriented to families in extreme poverty (since 2002)
Today’s Task… With a focus on rights: guaranteed and demandable. Assists throughout the life cycle: from gestation to old age. We have moved on from goals of quantity to those of quality. LAUNCHING A SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEM…
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEM Integral Protection to Early Childhood: Chile Crece Contigo Reform to the Pension System Reforms in the Health System Chile Solidario System
CHALLENGES Reduce inequities… In income distribution In gender: labor market and political participation In the quality of education
Thank you very much…