Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Riga, Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Riga, Paula Lindroos Director, PhD Centre for Continuing Education, Åbo Akademi University - Senior Adviser to Finnish Lead Party for Baltic21Education - Chair of the Baltic 21 Ad-hoc working group on ESD
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education The Finnish vision and strategic lines for ESD in the education system are based on national education policy documents, the Baltic 21E programme, the ESD strategy of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the University Charter for Sustainable Development.
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Finland´s national Commission on SD, led by Prime Minister Vanhanen, adopted a revised national strategy on sustainable development in June Finland´s national Commission on SD, led by Prime Minister Vanhanen, adopted a revised national strategy on sustainable development in June In March 2002 the Ministry of Education appointed a Committee on Education for SD: A national plan for launching the Baltic21E programme in Finland. In March 2002 the Ministry of Education appointed a Committee on Education for SD: A national plan for launching the Baltic21E programme in Finland. Strategy on ESD in February 2006, which serves as Finlands national action plan for the UN Decade of ESD ( , DESD). Strategy on ESD in February 2006, which serves as Finlands national action plan for the UN Decade of ESD ( , DESD). This was the first national DESD strategy in Europe. This was the first national DESD strategy in Europe.
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education In line with the Baltic 21E, the promotion of SD has been incorporated in the following norms in the education sector: In line with the Baltic 21E, the promotion of SD has been incorporated in the following norms in the education sector: - the Development Plan for Education and Research the national core curricula in basic and general and vocational upper secondary education - the performance/target agreements between ministry of education and universities and polytechnics for the period
The Finnish National Strategy of Education for Sustainable Development Guidelines for Finland’s strategy for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Proposals for implementation Basic and secondary education Vocational upper secondary education PolytechnicsUniversities Liberal adult education Research and development Baltic 21E Programme UNECE ESD-Strategy Copernicus Charter
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Short overview of ESD in Finnish HE: EE in all universities SD Study programmes in polytechnics Courses, lectures at universities Masters´Programmes Focus on natural sciences – challenge: to involve humanities, social and economic sciences Challenges - Bologna process: Bachelors and Masters´programmes
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education The university perspective on ESD (1) The university perspective on ESD (1) ESD – just a new label on Environmental Education? Focus is still very much on environmental issues Focus is still very much on environmental issues Difficulties to involve i.e. humanities, social science Difficulties to involve i.e. humanities, social science ESD – course arrangements at university Multidisciplinary rather than interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary rather than interdisciplinary Too many courses at the introduction level, and too few specialization courses. Too many courses at the introduction level, and too few specialization courses. Problems: materials, teaching and learning methods, and - traditions Problems: materials, teaching and learning methods, and - traditions
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education The university perspective on ESD (2) The university perspective on ESD (2) ESD – learning outcomes at university In education for SD, the competencies needed include resource management, demand management and competence to handle conflicting interests In education for SD, the competencies needed include resource management, demand management and competence to handle conflicting interestsAND Communication of uncertainty and risk, whereas traditional evolution of knowledge aims at minimizing uncertainty. Communication of uncertainty and risk, whereas traditional evolution of knowledge aims at minimizing uncertainty. ESD – as part of the 3rd mission? In line with national legislation for HE, or eg. the Copernicus charter universities have a third mission parallel with research and education and which commits them to knowledge and technology transfer to other target groups. In line with national legislation for HE, or eg. the Copernicus charter universities have a third mission parallel with research and education and which commits them to knowledge and technology transfer to other target groups.
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education SWOT for ESD in universities SWOT for ESD in universities StrengthWeakness - closeness to - absence of academic development in society traditions, lack of materials development in society traditions, lack of materials OpportunityThreat -new teaching and - status of non-academic activities learning approaches learning approaches
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Baltic University Programme The Programme promotes and supports universities and corresponding institutions in the development of the Baltic Sea Region towards peaceful cooperation, democracy and economic, social and ecological sustainable development. The Programme promotes and supports universities and corresponding institutions in the development of the Baltic Sea Region towards peaceful cooperation, democracy and economic, social and ecological sustainable development. Is a network of universities in all BSR countries, and all countries contribute to the production of courses and study materials. Is a network of universities in all BSR countries, and all countries contribute to the production of courses and study materials
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Baltic 21 Education - Haga declaration 2000 Definition of ESD: ”ESD should be based on an integrated approach to economic, environmental and societal development and encompass a broad range of related issues such as democracy, gender equity and human rights. This broad approach should be recognised in both natural science and social science, and should complement and build on existing initiatives on environmental education.”
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Baltic 21 Education sector Lead Parties, Finland and Lithuania, have advocated for Baltic University Programme to become a permanent expert organ for the whole Baltic21. Baltic University Programme has national focal points/centres in all countries. The centres coordinate the activities in their countries and participate in the development of the programme together with the secretatiat at Uppsala University. Over the years the centres have developed considerable expertise in SD. Centres are supported by hosting university. Strengthening of centres in each country will increase impact and visibility of ESD and the centres could become ESD resource centres in HE. Finland has supported the centre with project funding and
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Baltic21 Working Group on ESD: Strategic project: Learning Arenas Proposal to be submitted to Interreg IV BSR
Strategies and challenges of education for sustainable development in higher education Interreg IV BSR Programme Priority nr 1 Activity lines: - Facilitation of networking and exchange of good practices on education and other policies - Srengthening of educational facilities and structures in higher education - Developing good practice examples. Examples of strategic projects: - Providing higher societal involvement to and raising awareness for innovations - Adapting education and further education systems to support sustainable BSR development. - Developing a long-term perspective on innovation culture in BSR
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