ASP Policies & Procedures Paula Fisher
ASP Policies & Procedures ASP policy manual can be found on the ASP website at: Has not been updated in years, but will be up to date by the end of the week. Who are Al, Barb, and Judy? and what are Teas? UCAR policy manual:
Why does it matter? Should be your first “stop” when you have a question about ASP policies Especially important with maternity leave looming on the horizon: Paula will be out until mid-January February will be chaotic; ASP (and all of SERE) moving to the Mesa Lab
Highlight: Publication Guidelines All manuscripts MUST include a footnote on the front page: The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National Science Foundation
Highlight: Publication Guidelines To ensure that manuscripts submitted with NCAR affiliations are of the highest quality: The lead author should solicit reviews from at least two colleagues. Comments should be addressed before the manuscript is submitted. If the reviews indicate that the manuscript should not be submitted in its present form, the authors should not submit the manuscript without the approval of the ASP Director.
Reporting Publications You will be asked monthly to provide to the ASP office: Title, authors, and journal of any new submissions, AND the names of your two reviewers. Full bibliographic information on manuscripts that have been published in the last month and a PDF of the paper. ASP is being asked to supply publication information monthly to SERE