The Pomo A Native American Tribe By Paula M. Podhajecki
Region Do people know about the Pomo? The Pomos are a Native American Tribe. The Pomos lived in Northern California along the coast and inland near Russian River and Clear Lake , near Pacific Ocean. They lived near streams, rivers, vallies, mountain, rolling hills. The weather for Summer was warm. For Winter it was mild. I’ll tell you about their food, homes, ceremonies and clothing
Homes What type of homes do Pomos live in and what are they made of? Pomos built a ceremonial house and sweat houses. People that live near Clear Lake lived in Tule reed houses. The people that live in the Russian River made the same houses as Clear Lake. In their village they used tule reeds that grew in marshy areas. They tied the tule to poles that were tied in bundles. This form an oval or circular home.
Food What did the Pomos eat and how did they get there food? Pomos ate seeds, nuts, berries, acorn, fish, small animals, rabbit, deer. They got air and water breathing animals by haunting. They also ate elk, pronghorn, grass, bolas. They caught there food by tying 3 strings together and also tying rocks on each end . Then they threw it at the animal to trap them.
Jobs What job do Pomos have? Men hunted, fished, made tool, made fishing nets, made baby carriers. Elders raised children, watched children when parents are busy. Women gathered, prepared food, made clothing and baskets, woved cloth from willow, redwood and tule.
Clothes What did Pomos wear and what were their clothes made of? Men and women wore rabbit fur when it’s cold. Women wore skirts that hang around their ankles and they also wore moccasins which are shoes. Men wore breech clothes or Kitts. Men were also often naked. Men also wore buck skin. Boys were often naked too.
Celebrations How do Pomos celebrate? Pomos celebrated by singing, playing music with flutes, whistles, clapper sticks, rattlers and drums. They danced with colorful clothing.
Pomo Beliefs What did the Pomo believe? Pomo believed in many spirits among them was a creator-hero who gave us the name to a secret religious society called the Kuksu. The Kuksu society was open only to a small group of men.
Interesting Facts What else is interesting about the Pomos? What's interesting about the Pomos is they get to pick there family leader and they have seven different languages.
The Pomo The Pomo, is a unique California Native American Tribe, I hope there still around.