Current Theories CHS 165 Hi Guys I have included several tasks within the presentation for you to complete individually. Once complete save the power point and send to me via
Reading material/Task Hand your pre prepared questions to a partner in the group. Use the reading material given in previous session to answer the questions. Discuss your ideas and findings with your partner. What did you find difficult and why? What have you learnt and how will you use this new information in your practice? Produce a short summary on a slide which answers the two questions above.
Aims Review previous learning- The development of the brain in relation to cognitive development Explore and evaluate current theory/ Brain based learning/ Howard Goleman etc LO3(effective approach to promote learning development – thinking and creativity) Review and share research and thinking on current theory. Relate theory to activities and practice Identify, devise and evaluate an activity plan
Thinking, brain and body From early infancy the structure and connections of the brain are sculpted by a number of environmental and biological influences. Learning and memory are not limited to a single neural system or a single process. There are multiple memory systems spread out in different brain areas, with pathways that can interconnect them in diverse and even individual ways. Those areas of the brain that provide executive functions are the last to mature, usually not until early adulthood. Executive functions become progressively interconnected with the knowledge domains for facts, figures, words and images (the “what” and “where aspects of knowledge) for purposes of how, why and when utilize such knowledge for goal-directed purposes. executive functions is developing the mental models of these “how,” “why,” and “when” processes. The earliest elements of executive functions begin in parent-child interactions.
Executive functions are shaped by many educational influences and comprise a set of skills and knowledge. The earliest elements of executive functions begin in parent-child interactions, expand greatly in play, and are thought to blossom in more independent and complex academic, social and recreational activities Paul J. Eslinger (2000) Children who experience high stress or abuse may develop adaptive responses characterized by fear, high arousal and anxiety, and have difficulty developing emotional responses that are more calm and controlled. Parents and caregivers should take steps to create a safe environment. Brain research has shown that too much stress early in life can affect development negatively. For example, stress and trauma can cause elevated levels of cortisol, a brain chemical, to be released in the brain. This can make the brain vulnerable to processes that destroy brain cells, reduce the number of connections in certain parts of the brain, and cause regions of the brain that regulate emotional response and attachment to be smaller than normal.
Brain Based learning Brain-Based learning is an approach to instruction based on how current research in neuroscience suggests our brain learns naturally (Spears & Wilson, 2009).
Research/ Task Research and produce several slides to show; 1.What are the 12 mind Principles of brain based learning? 2.What are the 3 instructional techniques that go with brain based learning? You may use imagery also.
Establishing a Brain-based Curriculum Absence of threat This is at the top of the priority list because absence of threat at school is the keystone for brain-based education. If the brain feels threatened – whether real or perceived – the emotional center of the brain (Limbic system/brain stem) will short-circuit learning. How do we eliminate threat? Think about your identified activities?
Stress and learning The brain responds best in conditions of high challenge with low stress, where there is learner choice and regular and educative feedback.. The enemy of learning is stress. The optimal conditions for learning include a positive learning attitude where challenge is high and anxiety and self- doubt is low.’ (Alistair Smith 1998, p41)
When the brain changes with your mood, it is not just how you feel that alters. The whole functioning of your brain is changed. In a happy mood, for instance, you are actually better at solving intellectual and practical problems. Ian Robertson - Mind Sculpture
Research/Task Daniel Goleman 1995 What is Golemans theory on emotional intelligence? Produce two or more power point slides to follow after this one to explain the theory to your class peers?
Guy Claxton Intuition- involves expertise, judgement, rumination sensitivity, creativity. Highlights the importance of allowing rumination (reflection)to develop perception and understanding. Pressure, anxiety and frustration affects performance.
Research Guy Claxton/Task What are the 4 rs involved in exercising the brain ? What are the 8 Building blocks for learning? Again produce two or more slides to show this information and also include imagery.
Homework task Find an article or piece of reading material on thinking skills and bring to class next week. Produce a short summary on the article that can be given out to your peers.