Budget Update Santa Paula Elementary School District March 13, 2012
Economic and Revenue Update Job growth rising Unemployment still high ◦ 11.1% for December 2011 Housing market remains troubled Corporate profits/Technology companies booming Federal policy uncertainty
Economic and Revenue Update LAO forecast for tax revenues for the & fiscal years down ◦ $6.5 billion compared to Governor’s January proposal ◦ $8.5 billion if Facebook-related revenues are omitted
Tax Initiatives Our Children, Our Future Millionaire’s Tax Schools & Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 SupportersMolly Munger, PTACalif. Federation of Teachers Governor Brown Type of revenue raisedPersonal income tax Personal income tax, sales & use tax Revenues $5-$5.5 billion$6-$9.5 billion$4.8-$6.9 billion Revenues $10-$11 billion$4-$6 billion$5.5-$6.3 billion Revenues used forSchools, early childhood education & debt service on bonds Public education & other local public services All state-funded services Excluded from Prop 98Yes No K-12 share of revenue60% first few yrs, 85% thereafter 36%Largely determined by Prop 98 formulas Operative time period12 yrs ( )Ongoing, starting yrs ( )
Budget Update – No Mid-year cuts Beg Balance3,552,6782,243,499780,183 Revenue29,711,27329,763,58329,594,559 Expenditures31,020,45231,226,89931,364,713 Net Change(1,309,179)(1,463,316)(1,770,154) Ending Balance2,243,499780,183(989,971) Cash(5,000) Economic Uncertainties(930,614)(936,807)(940,942) Budget Stabilization1,307,855(161,624)( 1,935,913)
Budget Update – Mid-year cuts Beg Balance3,552,678990,380(1,699,563) Revenue28,394,96128,473,76328,309,179 Expenditures30,957,25931,163,70631,364,713 Net Change(2,562,298)(2,689,943)(3,055,534) Ending Balance990,380(1,699,563)(4,755,097) Cash(5,000) Economic Uncertainties(930,614)(936,807)(940,942) Budget Stabilization54,766(2,641,370)(5,701,039)