Alison Holloway Team Manager - SEND Commissioning Paula Vyze


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Presentation transcript:

The role of Health within the EHC Plan Pathway and Transfer Reviews and Personal Budgets Alison Holloway Team Manager - SEND Commissioning Paula Vyze Assessment and Commissioning Manager

Aims of the session To understand the role of Health: in the context of the new SEND reforms, and the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan Pathway within the Transfer Review Process in relation to Personal Budgets.

Before After Done to 3 to19 Education Timeline 26 weeks Paper process Local Authority resourced Various sources of information Separate commissioning arrangements Co-produced & person centred 0 to 25 Education, Health and Care Timeline 20 weeks Use of multimedia Personal budget Local offer Joint commissioning

Nottinghamshire’s pathway 6 4 4

Pathway animation

Eligibility criteria An integrated assessment and Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan may be required for children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25 years if the following apply: The child or young person has severe and/or complex long term needs that affect everyday life and functioning The child/ young person requires provision and resources that are not normally available Intensive help and support is required from more than one agency There is evidence of a graduated response from the school and other agencies involved in supporting the child/ young person Despite high levels of support, the child/ young person is making limited or no progress.

EHC Commissioning Hub

EHC Plan Teams

Who to contact for EHC needs assessment If all other levels of support have been accessed by partners and the child/young person’s education is still being effected, then you can make a referral for an EHC needs assessment by contacting: Casework Support Email: Tel: 0115 97 73779

Referral process Health professional identifies a child/young person with severe and complex needs Health professional should consider the Local Offer and eligibility criteria for an EHC plan If you feel the criteria for an EHC plan are met, consider a co-ordinated referral with the cursery/school or any other relevant professionals e.g. social worker Obtain parent/carer/young person’s consent before submitting the referral Submit the referral on the referral form together with the consent form Further advice can be obtained from Nicola Hodson (Designated Clinical Officer) or Paula Vyze (SEND Health Commissioner).

Health responsibilities on Providers and Clinicians Support identification of children and young people with SEN and disability Respond to requests for advice for an EHC needs assessment, plans and transfer reviews within required timescales Make available health care provision specified in EHC plans (in line with the commissioned service) Contribute to regular reviews of children and young people with an EHC plan where relevant.

Overview of Transfer Review Process Evolving Process Requires completion within 14 weeks Health to submit professional contribution in 6 weeks Schools to complete the summary documentation within 9 weeks from setting the date of the meeting Local Authority to complete the process and issue the final EHC plan.

Transfer Review Process The new EHC process is co-ordinated by SEND policy and provision at County Hall Transfer review are co-ordinated by Schools, mainly Special Schools Approximately 2,000 statements have to be converted by 2018 (1,500 are in Special Schools and about 500 in mainstream schools).

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions September 2014 Pupils at school should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, school trips and physical education. Governing bodies must ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils with medical conditions including ensuring staff are appropriately trained. Governing bodies should ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are effectively supported.

Personal Budgets Policy and leaflet published on Local Offer Education Health Social Care

Key point in the SEND Code of Practice Parents and young people have the right to request a Personal Budget when the Local Authority has completed a EHC assessment and plan 16

There are four ways to have a Personal Budget Direct payments - where individuals receive the funds to contract, purchase and manage services themselves. An organised arrangement – where Nottinghamshire County Council, school, college or health services hold the funds and commissions the support specified in the EHC plan. (These are sometimes called notional or indicative budgets) Third party arrangements – where funds are paid to and managed by a charity or another organisation on behalf of the child’s parent or the young person. The third party assumes responsibility for all the financial arrangements this can be the parent on the child's behalf A combination of the above

Personal Health Budget Child has to meet Continuing Care eligibility (about 70 children in the County) From April 2015 Long Term Conditions(LTC)s what they include is yet to be announced April 2014 right to ask, October 2014 right to have Some families have had a joint package with social care for several years
