Education …“should be reversed to conform to the learner, rather than the learner to the system.” -UK based NESTA FutureLabs study Learning 3.0 Technology Implications on Pedagogy & Learning Styles by Supra Manohar, Executive VP-GBD Emantras,
We have not defined Web 2.0 and now there is talk of 3.0… … and much more it has not all been defined need to Google to see what happened today. THE BEST WE CAN DESCRIBE “The Dataweb”, semantic web – seamless interoperability and content reading by software agents (RDF, OWL) Network computing – software as a service, “cloud” computing 3D Environments – Second Life, there is even a Web3D Consortium… Ubiquitous connectivity - PDA’s, handheld games, Wii, etc. Collaboration and collaborative filtering – FaceBook, YouTube, and web tagging (Flickr,, etc) Web 3.0 What does it mean?
Learning Strategies & Pedagogy Behaviorism, feedback and reinforcement Collaborative learning, recording and sharing instantly Informal or Situated learning, using education in “context aware” environments (in the field) Constructivism, rich media, simulations and immersive environments Generally accepted learning modalities are classified below. Note: A good article addressing learning styles is “From Learning Styles to Learning Skills: the executive skills profile”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol 10, Number 5, ads/Excecutive-skills-profile.pdf
Learning 3.0 Technologies Social Technologies Blogs Shareable environments Peer networks IM Collaborative Tools Wikipedia Google Docs Tagging, Ubiquitous Devices PDAs Wii iPods Etc.. Access Search tools Desktop connectivity Simulation, Visualization & Gaming Environments Wii for simulations Educational gaming Second Life Gapminder Learning 3.0 Technologies LEARNING DESIGN
Learning 3.0 Implications of Technology BEHAVIOURISM & COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Ability to create collaboratively (student & teacher) authored resources Collective participation to tag and provide resources that may be relevant Reinforcement when learners are receptive and in modes they may be more open to (peer reinforcement) ADOPTION 1.Allegheny College on MySpace, students and the college also has a MySpace page 2.Mixxer is a site that allows language students to find and connect with voice- partners on the net with VoIP
Mobile devices allow content portability into “context aware” environments Multimedia delivers 20 times more “minutes on the message” Expanding cultural and societal experiences Learning 3.0 Implications of Technology CONSTRUCTIVISM ADOPTION 1.University of Minnesota modified the game Neverwinter Nights to practice investigative reporting 2.Play2Train is a Second Life environment for bio-terrorism training 3.Bradley University has a course on Second Life on field research methods
Mobile devices allow content portability into “context aware” environments Access to educative material via multiple devices without barriers to access Capturing learning moments and environments Adoption 1.SF Museum of Modern Art allows visitors to use their mobile phones to listen to podcasts of the audio tour 2.Montclair State University students with GPS and web-enabled phones receive various academic, social, wellness, and security services Adoption Learning 3.0 Implications of Technology ADOPTION INFORMAL & SITUATED LEARNING
Driving content to the desktop (learning widgets) The ability to search and access learning bits (the SCORM holy grail) and text New forms of publishing text (eBooks for access and visualization tools like Gapminder bring statistical data to life) Adoption 1. HALO is a widget platform driving learning to the desktop 2.GAM3R 7H3ORY is a networked book with online prepublication format where readers can add comments Expanding the participatory environments (shared editorial tools like Google Docs and Wikis) Learning 3.0 Implications of Technology ADOPTION UBIQUITOUS & LIFELONG (INFORMAL) LEARNING
? Be aware of the tools being used it will help in designing your learning material Multimedia and innovative learning content is almost a requirement not a luxury No need to adopt all tools but adopt ones that are popular and get used a lot Realize that the learning moments are no longer restricted, knowledge inquiry is woven into our lifestyle Access is very important, making it available ensures consumption Make it available in multiple formats (we can today) and allow the learner to create the most appropriate and conducive environment Web 3.0 What does it mean? HOW DOES ONE ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT
Education “…finite opportunity amidst infinite possibilities…”
References & Resources “Are you ready for Mobile Learning?” Joseph Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Valdes-Corbeil, Educause Quarterly Number New Media Consortium, 2007 Horizon Report, January Web 3.0, Wikipedia article Derek Baird, Musings on Social Media, Gen Y, Education Technology, Community & other Stuff (at … and many more…