Reference 2.0: Using New Web Technologies to Enhance Public Service Texas Library Association Conference April 17, 2008 Stephen F. Austin State University’s R. W. Steen Library Susan Clarke, Director of Digital Projects
In September 2005, the Texas Tides project was awarded a $570,288 three-year Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Grant in the Advancing Learning Communities category.
What is TIDES? A model for REVITALIZING the role of academic libraries in a rapidly changing digital environment where users are empowered to seek and process information on their own. A COLLABORATIVE platform for university faculty, memory and natural history organizations, communities, and schools to share resources, collections, and expertise. A DIGITAL GATEWAY to rich historical, cultural, and science resources held in Texas and Mexico museums, archives, historical societies, university research collections, community collections, state parks and wildlife preserves. An easy-to-use K-12 WEBSITE that provides access to primary source documents, TEKS compliant lesson plans, virtual expeditions, and college readiness resources. A RESOURCE for SFA faculty and students to access relevant research collections, engage in service learning, and reach out to area schools.
TIDES PARTNERS The Sterne-Hoya House Museum and Library The Stone Fort Museum Instituto de Idioma y Cultura en Cuernavaca East Texas Research Center
TIDES IMAGE DATABASE Over 17,000 images from 15 unique collections Metadata customized for TIDES target audiences Search by or across collections Save items in a “my favorites” section Powered by CONTENTdm
Teachers’ Needs: Bilingual Tools Availability of State Compliant Lesson Plans Enrichment Experiences Virtual Expeditions Science Resources Rich Cultural Content Simpler ways to find and use digital images TIDES FOR TEACHERS: MAKING DIGITAL COLLECTIONS USEFUL IN K-12 CLASSROOMS
Lesson Plans TIDES has worked with K-12 Teachers to create original lesson plans using TIDES materials. Subjects include Social Studies, Science, Math, Language Arts, Art and Theater and Modern Language. Most lesson plans are TEKS compliant. At this time, there over 100 lesson plans available on the TIDES Website, and more are being added by contracted teachers everyday.
TIDES VIRTUAL EXPEDITIONS Currently over 150 videos available through the TIDES website, YouTube, and TeacherTube allow visitors to experience the broad scope of TIDES cultural, historical, science, art, and educational material.
TIDES FOR COLLEGE FACULTY AND STUDENTS Custom designed portal to TIDES resources Custom searches relevant to classes Highlighting Student and Faculty Research Collaboration Opportunities
TIDES WEB 2.0 To connect with as wide an audience as possible, TIDES has created profiles and accounts with many social networking and media sharing sites. These sites allow us to share our collections with users, experiment with social tagging, and gather feedback from people who might otherwise pass TIDES by.
The TIDES Blog The TIDES Blog is an account of the inner- workings of the Digital Projects Department. Here, staff members can talk about ongoing projects, conferences and improvements, but in a more relaxed and casual tone. Blogger is used to power the TIDES blog.
TIDES Blog Flickr pictures are used to cycle TIDES images on the blog and other Web 2.0 sites and participating institutions are prominently highlighted and linked.
TIDES Wiki Powered by Confluence software the TIDES wiki is used by the Curriculum Development Team teachers and the partner institutions as a resource gathering and dissemination tool.
TIDES Wiki Community Lists Reference Librarians, and other resource providers are part of the Wiki.
Wiki Weekly Discussion List We chose the “closed” Wiki model to allow the teachers and other contributors a forum that was “theirs” and could be controlled by a login. As topics are discussed they are mined for the open forums like the blog and listserve.
The TIDES Yahoo! Group This is a public listserv which is open to anyone interested in learning more about TIDES. It’s moderated by Digital Projects Staff members who regularly check in to answer questions, share resources, and discuss new opportunities available through TIDES.
TIDES MySpace Site
The MySpace site features rotating database images, video, student work and links to various TIDES resources presented in a fun compelling way to appeal to the MySpace audience. It is set up as a “group” instead of its own entity due to MySpace rules.
TeacherTube is designed to be a monitored alternative to YouTube that school districts do not have to block. The TIDES videos that are designed to be used by K-12 classes are a perfect fit.
There are currently 112 TIDES videos on YouTube including study tips, plagiarism, teacher expeditions and cultural and scientific content.
Flickr TIDES Photos TIDES uses flickr as an easy way to upload and share photos while still connecting back to our main website and database.