Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, ESO - Garching Astronomy with Virtual Observatories, Pune October 2007 VO Tools
What, Where, When, Why ➡ What are the VO Tools, What can I do with them? ➡ Where can I find them? ➡ When should I use them? ➡ WHY should I use them??
Astrogrid Workbench Aladin VizieR Simbad Datascope Astroscope Topcat VOSpec VOPlot SPLAT STILTS EURO-3D Specview VisIVO VOSED ADS Helioscope Yafit Registry PLASTIC Web Service SIA SSA VOTable Astro Runtime MySpace Workflow Open SkyQuery VOEventNet VO Tools And Services
Dictionary Registry: the yellow pages of the VO PLASTIC: PLatform for AStronomy Tool InterConnection Astro Runtime: Astrogrid Client Runtime (ACR), provides an interface to access functions from python MySpace: virtual space storage VOTable: data stored in XML format SIA: Simple Image Access SSA: Simple Spectral Access
Astrogrid Workbench Aladin VizieR Simbad Datascope Astroscope Topcat VOSpec VOPlot SPLAT STILTS EURO-3D Specview VisIVO VOSED ADS Helioscope Yafit Open SkyQuery VOEventNet descriptions/workbench/ w/
Data Discovery Spectral Analysis Data visualisation and handling SED building and fitting AladinVOSpecVOPlotVOSED AstroscopeSPLATTopcatYafit VOExplorerEURO-3DVisIVOeasy-z DatascopeSpecviewSTILTS GOSSIP ✔✔✔ ✔ (Workbench)
Astrogrid Workbench A desktop application for doing science in the Virtual Observatory. With it, the user can discover and explore data resources, query remote catalogs, invoke remote processing tasks and construct workflows to automate tasks. Key Features Workbench provides the following features: Astroscope answers the question - what data is there available for any patch on the night sky? Helioscope answers the question - what Solar System data is available for a given time range? Task Launcher provides an easy way to query a wide range of astrophysical databases. Thus one can retrieve all stars with a certain colour from the Sloan All Sky Survey, or Brown Dwarfs from the UKIDSS WFCAM infrared survey. Task Launcher also enables a scientist to run a wide range of applications, such as Sextractor & Pegase, and return results in standard VO formats (such as VOTable) Results may be saved to the user's MySpace, or to their local disk. For seamless analysis of results Workbench can pass data, via PLASTIC to viewers such as TopCat, Aladin & VOSpec.PLASTICTopCatAladinVOSpec
Science Workflows Slowly being replaced by python scripts. Available python scripts now include: SIAP Image Search: siapsearch.py Extracting Objects from an Image: sextractor.py Running an application: montage_2mass.py Execute a Cone Search: conesearch_2mass.py advanced/advanced-usage/scripting-user-s-guide/pydoc
VOExplorer Inspired by iTunes Select a search-space Search for resources Filter these resources View selected resources Use the selection Invoke it Save it Export it For more details, ask Noel Winstanley
Topcat TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. TOPCAT: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
STILTS STILTS: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set Facilities: format conversion data and metadata manipulation and display sorting row selections column calculation and rearrangement crossmatching statistical calculations histogram calculation data validation VO service access (experimental) Commands: tcopy tcopy - Table format converter tpipe tpipe - Generic table pipeline processing utility tmatch2 tmatch2 - Two-table crossmatcher tjoin tjoin - Trivial side-by-side multiple-table joiner tcube tcube - N-dimensional histogram calculator tcat tcat, tcatn - Multiple-table concatenaters tcatn two VOTable-specific commands: votcovotcopy - VOTable encoding translator votlint votlint - VOTable validity checker and one miscellaneous utility: calc calc - Quick expression evaluator VObservatory service access commands: regquery regquery - Registry Query multicone multicone - Multiple Cone Search
Yafit: Yet Another FItting Tool Yafit Usage: fit [-help] [-debug] model= [modelfmt=ymodel|galaxev|starburst99|svotar|sideways-vot] obs= [smoother=square|point] [scale=true|false] [fitcalc=chi2|poisson|unscaled] [gui=true|false] [summary= ] [bestfits= ] [bestfitsfmt= ] Usage: plotmodel [-help] [-debug] in= [ifmt=ymodel|galaxev|starburst99|svotar|sideways-vot] Usage: plotobs [-help] [-debug] in=
EZ and GOSSIP Paolo Franzetti & the PANDORA Group - IASF Milano
EZ: Easy-Z EZ Written in python/C Interactive/Batch mode Uses a set of user defined templates and a combination of correlation and fitting algorithms Flexible and modular architecture
GOSSIP: Galaxy Observed Simulated SED Interactive Program GOSSIP Build-up the observed SED Loading of synthetic models Fitting procedure (single CPU, cluster, GRID) Results post-processing and analysis GOSSIP is a tool created to perform spectro-photometric analysis of galaxy through the SED fitting
What, Where, When, Why ➡ What are the VO Tools, What can I do with them? ➡ Where can I find them? ➡ When should I use them? ➡ WHY should I use them??