Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Enlarging AEC-NET’s scope: partnership and school networks in Europe Alexa Joyce Communications.


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Presentation transcript:

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Enlarging AEC-NET’s scope: partnership and school networks in Europe Alexa Joyce Communications & Development Manager European Schoolnet

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 2 Today’s presentation About European Schoolnet, its objectives and networks Short history of school cooperation in Europe New challenge: web 2.0 Zoom in: eTwinning Next steps

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 3 About European Schoolnet Dedicated to Support schools in bringing about the best use of technology in learning Promote the European dimension in schools and education Improve and raise the quality of education in Europe Network of 31 Ministries of Education in EU and neighbouring countries A successful partnership cooperating on school issues for over 10 years

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 4 Specific objectives Contributes to development of technology-enhanced learning in schools Disseminates good practice and investigates new models for schooling and learning Provides services, content and tools based on ICT to members and partner networks Offers pedagogical and information services with European added value to schools in Europe Supports professional development of teachers Fosters and supports collaboration and cooperation among schools in Europe

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 5 Stakeholders Ministries of Education IT Industry and Suppliers European Commission Schools Experts Target groups Policy makers Researchers Developers School Leaders Teachers, Pupils European Schoolnet

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 6 Our Activities Innovation and exchange on ICT policies and practice School networking and services Interoperability and content exchange

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 7 campaign on emerging technology eSkills career portal eLearning Awards Futurenergia campaign on energy Xperimania campaign on chemistry

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 8 International education networks EU cooperation & citizenship eTwinning Spring Day Global issues DYP GENIE eSafety Teachtoday Insafe Competitions & campaigns eLearning Awards Euro MST actions eSkills Xplora eTwinning is the largest network: over 50, 000 schools registered!

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 9 Short history of school cooperation in Europe Schools cooperating internationally for long time, especially in languages. Some global projects like i*EARN since 1988 Perhaps even started as long ago as the 16 th century… But the 90s brought a big change: the birth of the internet and ICT Suddenly cheaper and easier to cooperate

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 10 Mid-90s: –Comenius launched by European Commission –Nordic countries established ODIN at same time –Web for Schools initiative European Schoolnet set up shortly after including: –Virtual School, Comenius Space –Communities + partner finding tools –Other projects for school heads, eSafety, etc. Short history of school cooperation in Europe

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 11 AEC-NET established in s: –Launch of the eTwinning initiative – skepticism at first… –Establishment of ESP-net (but active since 1998) –Launch of Global Gateway –Industry + private sector initiatives too Short history of school cooperation in Europe

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 12 Now many initiatives in Europe

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 13 …and beyond

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Why so many? Proven benefits for schools: –Language learning + intercultural knowledge –Motivation for subjects studied –Authentic learning contexts –Evolution of pedagogy towards more student- centred model (constructivism, computer- supported collaborative learning) –Improved ICT skills, ICT embedded in individual subjects rather than standalone –Impact on motivation of students and teachers –Whole school involvement + community (parents) International school cooperation – despite obstacles of culture, curriculum, etc. – Is enriching and most of all FUN!

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Zoom in: eTwinning Officially launched by the European Commission as part of the eLearning programme on 14 Jan 2005 Promotes school partnerships in Europe –European Schoolnet is Central Support service –National Ministries of Education or affiliated agencies are National Support Services Aim was to have 30,000 twinned schools by 2007

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning back in 2005 The eTwinning Portal was designed to create, manage and run projects. The only incentive for teachers was recognition, visibility and free tools and support Training and partnership-finding workshops were organised, plus annual conference

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia More than members from schools have registered More than projects have been registered (more than 4000 active) More than pupils have been invited to TwinSpaces More than half a million messages have been exchanged on the Desktop eTwinning was launched in And since then..

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning was launched in And since then.. More than 1500 message have been posted on the forum each month More than 8000 members have been using the Desktop every day More than files have been shared in TwinSpaces

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 19 Increasing level of participation

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning in a teacher’s words…

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia But we found a challenge… Many teachers and schools were registering without joining an eTwinning project. So why were they registering?

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia 22.. work in registered projects.. are looking for a partner … found a partner but did not register the project (yet) … registered to find partners for other Comenius actions … are waiting for the right moment and looking for inspiration Schools…

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia And then another challenge… ICT tools and approaches themselves had evolved… The web had changed Children were already cooperating and communicating online everyday through MSN, MySpace, Facebook – and school had to catch up!

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia So we rethought eTwinning - under the surface many good things were happening. Comenius Partnerships informal collaboration Peer learning Shaing of resources And ideas Community building eTwinning Projects eTwinning went Beyond projects

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Many things were happening In eTwinning.. … also outside the eTwinning Portal Comenius Partnerships informal collaboration Peer learning Shaing of resources And ideas

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning has evolved Critical Mass Beyond Projects Activities outside the Portal eTwinning becomes social

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia New eTwinning Portal More focus on user generated content –Members Profiles –Schools Profiles –Projects Profiles –TwinBlog

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Members and Schools Profiles

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Projects Profiles

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia TwinBlog

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning is social! The community for schools in Europe Lifelong learning and professional development platform Beyond projects (but the aim is still projects) eTwinning Groups now kicking off and Learning Lab on the way (2009)

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia So what do the students have to say?

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia eTwinning is opening up to AEC-NET European Schoolnet signed an MoU with ASEF We analysed how cooperation could take place – based on the Medtwinning example – to run a pilot AEC-NET projects can register on eTwinning as long as have 2 EU schools

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Beyond eTwinning European Schoolnet has two new projects planned for 2009, and Asian and EU schools are both going to be invited: –Environmental community of practice for teachers –Cooperation with Cisco Networking Academy network

Alexa Joyce European Schoolnet AEC-NET conference Malaysia Thanks for your kind attention. We will be glad to have closer cooperation in 2009! Contact: Our websites: My blog: - there you can download this presentation and the background paper on the topic.