Journals Full Text Resources Including MedIND
For Scholarly Information We start with Bibliographic Databases having references to journals and other scholarly literature Knowledge of search techniques is required for effective searching – PubMed, Scirus – International – IndMED – Indian Finally we may require full text of Journal Articles
Full text Journal Articles Most expensive Resource No Library can afford all the journals / Not even the core Journals of a subject Internet has become the first place to look for Journal Articles How about Internet Resources ?
Ok, let us start with Google..
Open Access and OA /Free Resources Open Access Publishers Indian Journals online Institutional / Subject Repositories
I am not talking about Open Source Open Standards Right to Information
But on similar concept It relates to access to results of public funded research It relates to access to that knowledge which scientists and scholars give away for free after years of hard work
12 – 18 Months Research Impact
Now the Question being asked is
Where is the catch? Scientists / scholars need to publish articles Publishers seek transfer of copyrights in their favour in lieu of publication of their articles They had no other alternative than to gave away their copyrights to get their articles published
Open Access is the answer to the ills of conventional academic publishing Open-access (OA) literature is [scholarly,] digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. [Peter Suber - Suber
Impact “Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should aim to make research easy to access”. Online or Invisible? Steve Lawrence. Nature, Volume 411, Number 6837, p. 521, Lawrence
Open Access (OA) means free and online access to scholarly literature that can be freely disseminated further with proper author attribution. It brings down barriers to scientific communication by using Internet
Open Access Publishing Open Access Journals perform peer review like their conventional counterparts and then make the approved contents freely available to the world.
Open Access Repositories Open Access Repositories allow authors / right holders to deposit their articles May allow preprints (pre-published manuscripts) Normally allow post-prints (peer-reviewed and published articles) Most reputed academic publishers allow authors to deposit some version of their articles in such repositories
Open Access and India
Open Access Journals
Open Access Hosts / Publishers
64 Indexed Journals from India
Open Access Repositories National Aerospace Laboratories Indian Institute of Astrophysics Repository
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute