Maharashtra State NSQF Project December 2014 This template can be used as a starter file to give updates for project milestones. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.
Content Current Spread of Vocational Education in Maharashtra Policy changes and GR regarding Vocational Education Partnership between RMSA and Lend A Hand India Partnership between RMSA and NSDC * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Secondary School Education Secretary (School Education) RMSA (State Project Director) RMSA (State Project Coordinator) Type of school Number of schools Number of students Government 1451 (5%) 2.1 Lakhs Aided / Private 18,500 (95%) 40 Lkahs * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
DVET : Existing Administrative Set up for Vocational Education Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) established in 1984 Director, vocational Education Director, Training Independent Board for Vocational Education MSBVE (Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Education) Regional and District level officers through out the state * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Current Spread of Vocational Education as part of Secondary School Education in Maharashtra Introduced in 1986 with Long history of Vocational Education in secondary and higher secondary schools Current Strength Level Number of Schools Number of Students Pre-SSC (10th Grade) 741 72,000 Higher Secondary (Vocational) 1330 1,10,000 Higher Secondary (Bi-focal) 1433 1,92,000 * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Government Resolution to recognize vocational education as a core subject (August 21st 2014) Weightage in school curriculum Offer NVEQF course as one of the elective subjects which can be opted by the students in lieu of 2nd /3rd language Sr No Subject Marks 1 Language 1 100 2 Language 2 /(Vocational subject) 3 Language3 / (Vocational subject) 4 Mathematics 5 Social Sciences 6 General Science Total 600 * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Incentive for admission to ITI, Polytechnics and HSC 25% reservation in ITI 15% reservation in Polytechnics 25% reservation in HSC Vocational 40% reservation in HSC (Bi-focal) * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Government Resolution - Highlights Roles and Responsibilities Task Responsibility Oversight Department of School Education with State / District Level Steering Committee Implementation Agency RMSA and Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (joint partnership) NSQF Cell Set up within Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) Appointment of VEPs School Selection / Trade Mapping RMSA Curriculum - Course Material PSSCIVE with customization and translation by the DVET and State Board * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Government Resolution - Highlights Roles and Responsibilities Task Responsibility Curriculum - Course Material PSSCIVE with customization and translation by the DVET and State Board Training of Trainers DVET with PSSCIVE Training Delivery Authorized Vocational Training Providers (no hiring by the state) Assessment Joint Certification by Vocational Board and SSC (9th and 11th Grade) State Board and SSC (10th and 12th Board) * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
NSQF Project 2014 Received approval from Ministry of HRD to implement the NSQF based vocational education in 350 Secondary Schools in Maharashtra (Feb 2014) Sectors Auto Retail Healthcare Multi-skill Foundation* What is the project about? Define the goal of this project Is it similar to projects in the past or is it a new effort? Define the scope of this project Is it an independent project or is it related to other projects? * Note that this slide is not necessary for weekly status meetings *: approval in progress
School Mapping and Trade Selection 350 schools starting with Grade IX (NSQF Level I) Equal weightage to urban and rural schools (10 schools per district) Trade Selection Type of School Number of schools Trade 1 Trade 2 Urban Schools 168 Retail Auto Rural Schools 182 Healthcare Multi-Skill Foundation* * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide. *: approval in progress
State NSQF Project Partners Organization Role 1. Dept of School Education and Sports Primary/secondary school Education - RMSA (Maharashtra State) Nodal Agency for NSQF Project - Maharashtra Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education State Board for Grade 10th and 12th exam 2. Department of Higher and Technical Education Higher and Technical Education - DVET (Directorate of Vocational Education and Training) Vocational education in secondary/ higher secondary schools - Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Education Vocational Education Board 3. Lend A Hand India Project Manager / Technical Support via MoU with RMSA * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Partnership with Lend A Hand India MoU between RMSA (Maharashtra) and Lend A Hand India (Nov 2014) About Lend-A-Hand India NGO working in the field of Vocational Education in secondary schools since 2004 Currently providing multi-skill vocational education for grade IX and X in 100 schools covering 13,000 students in five states (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka, UP) * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Partnership with Lend A Hand India Project Management support at District, Division and State Level for Vocational Education to begin with followed by other RMSA funded Schemes NSQF based Vocational Education in 20 schools (Mumbai and Pune Municipal Corporation) No-cost to the State Government * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Three way Partnership between RMSA, NSDC & Lend A Hand India being finalized NSDC funded Vocational Education Providers and assessment through Sector Skill Councils Linkage with industry NSQF/NOS Alignment for existing vocational courses Lend A Hand India to act as a link between RMSA and VEPs and Sector Skill Council providing project management support * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Plans for 2014-15 Starting January 2015 Auto training in 50 schools by using the facilities of nearby technical high schools in the 5 KM vicinity (infrastructure, trainers to be provided by the mapped technical high school) Retail/Multi-Skill Foundation Training in 20 Municipal urban Schools in Mumbai and Pune by Lend A Hand India (turnkey implementation with PPP and no-cost to the state) * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Plans for 2015-16 Starting June 2015 Roll out the program (Level 1) in 280 schools (Auto/Retail/Healthcare/Multi-skill) Continue with Level 2 in 70 Schools Cover remaining 1100 schools during 2016-17 and 2017-18 * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.
Thank You Dr Suvarna Kharat, State Project Coordinator (RMSA) Mr. Shrinivas Shastri, Under Secretary (Department of School Education) Dr. R.B. Balapure, Joint Director (DVET) Raj Gilda, co-founder, Lend A Hand India * If any of these issues caused a schedule delay or need to be discussed further, include details in next slide.