2 Authentic Assessment PURPOSE: PURPOSE: Evaluate knowledge and mastery of skills that change over short periods of time. Evaluate knowledge and mastery of skills that change over short periods of time. Provide a direct linkage between instruction and evaluation. Provide a direct linkage between instruction and evaluation. ADVANTAGES: ADVANTAGES: Emphasis on production rather than recognition responses. Emphasis on production rather than recognition responses. Emphasis on assessment projects in lieu of test items. Emphasis on assessment projects in lieu of test items. Teacher judgment in lieu of mechanical scoring. Teacher judgment in lieu of mechanical scoring. Provides diagnostic assessment for IEP development. Provides diagnostic assessment for IEP development.
3 Advantages of Authentic- Informal Assessment – con’t. Teacher made; skill/ curriculum specific Teacher made; skill/ curriculum specific Diagnoses student functioning levels within the curriculum Diagnoses student functioning levels within the curriculum Determines rate of progress. Determines rate of progress. Identifies factors effecting progress. Identifies factors effecting progress. Used to modify instruction Used to modify instruction Allows for best practices determination for individual students Allows for best practices determination for individual students Used to plan, monitor, evaluate, and modify instruction Used to plan, monitor, evaluate, and modify instruction
4 Informal (Authentic) Assessment Based upon students’ performance using relevant, real-world tasks Based upon students’ performance using relevant, real-world tasks Often based on the students’ curriculum within the students’ natural environment. Often based on the students’ curriculum within the students’ natural environment. Incorporates purposeful learning experiences Incorporates purposeful learning experiences Stimulates thinking Stimulates thinking Allows for application of learned skills in new situations Allows for application of learned skills in new situations Encourages review and revision of work Encourages review and revision of work Allows for application of evaluative skills and communication of results. Allows for application of evaluative skills and communication of results.
5 Kinds of Informal Assessment Strategies Task Analysis Task Analysis Probes Probes Response journals Response journals Think-Aloud Technique Think-Aloud Technique Questionnaires Questionnaires Interviews Interviews Checklists Checklists Work-Sample Analysis Work-Sample Analysis Error analysis Error analysis Self-evaluation Self-evaluation Peer evaluation Peer evaluation Observation Observation Rating scales Rating scales Rubric scoring Rubric scoring Analytical trait scoring Analytical trait scoring Holistic Holistic Anchor papers Anchor papers
6 Types of Assessment Self Assessment -help students to be attuned to evaluation criteria, promotes self- monitoring, allows students to acquire, so that they can judge the quality of various aspects of their work, recognize and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the overall product, and ultimately refine their work. Self Assessment -help students to be attuned to evaluation criteria, promotes self- monitoring, allows students to acquire, so that they can judge the quality of various aspects of their work, recognize and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the overall product, and ultimately refine their work. Peer Assessment -helps students to share tools, techniques, and ideas to develop their understanding of the world around them and to communicate solutions to real- life problems. Peer Assessment -helps students to share tools, techniques, and ideas to develop their understanding of the world around them and to communicate solutions to real- life problems. Learning Logs - direct and factual, generally short, objective entries. Learning Logs - direct and factual, generally short, objective entries. Journal Entries - generally detailed, thoughtful, longer, more subjective, written in narrative form, often consist of personal reflections, comments on the reaction to an experience, or dialogues between teachers and students Journal Entries - generally detailed, thoughtful, longer, more subjective, written in narrative form, often consist of personal reflections, comments on the reaction to an experience, or dialogues between teachers and students
7 Performance Assessment - Hands-on approach to testing - Hands-on approach to testing - Assesses knowledge in meaningful, real life activities - Assesses knowledge in meaningful, real life activities - Actively involves students in decision-making - Actively involves students in decision-making - Promotes students to work independently, become productive team members, collaborate and integrate ideas - Promotes students to work independently, become productive team members, collaborate and integrate ideas - Allows teacher to assess ability to integrate and apply skills and concepts learned - Allows teacher to assess ability to integrate and apply skills and concepts learned - Measures specific academic skills, the understanding of process involved, the ability to apply new learning - Measures specific academic skills, the understanding of process involved, the ability to apply new learning
8 Curriculum-based Measurement Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) - method of direct and frequent measurement of - method of direct and frequent measurement of students’ progress in course content. students’ progress in course content. Probes—brief measurements of skill Probes—brief measurements of skill designed to be frequently administered; easily and quickly scored designed to be frequently administered; easily and quickly scored CBM probes contain items for students to respond to that can be observed and counted CBM probes contain items for students to respond to that can be observed and counted
9 Portfolio Assessment Collections of carefully selected work products Collections of carefully selected work products Exhibit students’ efforts, progress, and achievement. Exhibit students’ efforts, progress, and achievement. Artifacts of work, experiences, and accomplishments Artifacts of work, experiences, and accomplishments Final drafts, completed products, or works in progress Final drafts, completed products, or works in progress Document growth over time - process of improvement Document growth over time - process of improvement Assess quality as well as quality of thinking and output Assess quality as well as quality of thinking and output Students select portfolio content, determine criteria for selection, judge merit, self-reflect and analyze Students select portfolio content, determine criteria for selection, judge merit, self-reflect and analyze
10 Checklist Procedure Systematic means of recording the knowledge, skills, behavior, and/or attitude of individual students or whole classes Systematic means of recording the knowledge, skills, behavior, and/or attitude of individual students or whole classes Excellent source of record keeping Excellent source of record keeping Provides evidence of skill mastery or lack of progress Provides evidence of skill mastery or lack of progress Allows close monitoring of progress toward IEP goals Allows close monitoring of progress toward IEP goals Provides recorded documentation of dates and levels of mastery Provides recorded documentation of dates and levels of mastery
11 Oral Interview Procedure Oral interview is a very effective procedures for Oral interview is a very effective procedures for evaluating the finished authentic product evaluating the finished authentic product gaining insight into how and why students work gaining insight into how and why students work Students “talk through” their work Students “talk through” their work describing what they are doing and why they are doing it – describing what they are doing and why they are doing it – at this time and in this way at this time and in this way Enables evaluation of outcome, process analysis, and reasoning Enables evaluation of outcome, process analysis, and reasoning Students need to be able to communicate Students need to be able to communicate how they solved the problem how they solved the problem which decisions they made along the way which decisions they made along the way what connections were made with other learning during the problem-solving process what connections were made with other learning during the problem-solving process