City of Santa Rosa Housing Element Update October 2, 2008
Santa Rosa 2035 General Plan Revision ► Focused on Housing Element update ► Will incorporate key policies from other plans ► Will include policies related to climate protection ► To be completed by June 2009
Housing Element Update ► Introductory Housing Meeting ► Background data collection/sites inventory ► Presentation of background data – meeting 2 ► Policy development ► Release of draft Housing Element/General Plan ► Presentation of draft Housing Element ► Other opportunities for public involvement
Tonight’s Agenda ► Housing Element update program ► HAP Background Report information ► Comments on Draft HE background information ► Current HE policies and programs
Housing Allocation Plan Report ► Station Area Specific Plan policy Acreage based to unit based program Mixed use exemption Affordability at 20% very low/low, 20% moderate and 60% above moderate
Housing Allocation Plan ► Requires projects of 15 or more acres provide 15% of units for low incomes ► Most projects pay fee in lieu ► 20+ acre projects may provide units off site ► Land dedication is an option ► Exemptions
Report analyzes: ► Effects of an on-site requirement 15 percent affordable to low income 20 percent affordable to low income 10 percent affordable to very low, 10 percent to low, 20 percent moderate ► Change from acreage based to unit based requirement ► Elimination of exemption for mixed use developments ► On site versus fees for off site production
On site affordable requirement may: ► Reduce prices developers will pay for land ► Integrate affordable units in new development ► Scatter affordable units ► Decrease funds available for affordable housing ► Not reach lower level of affordability
Unit based requirement ► More projects required to provide affordable units on site ► Reduce prices developers will pay for land ► Decrease funds available for affordable housing
Elimination of mixed use exemption ► Reduce prices developers will pay for land ► Fees or units would be generated in mixed use projects ► On site requirement reduces land budget but less than for residential projects due to value of retail component
On site versus off site production On site: ► Disperses units throughout the city, in each project ► Ensures concurrent construction of affordable units ► Level of affordability could be less
On site versus off site production In lieu fees (off site): ► Fees can be leveraged to obtain other funds ► Deeper level of subsidy may be achieved ► Units developed are typically rentals, whose long term affordability is more certain
Next Steps – HAP Report ► Posted on website for public review ► Integration with Housing Element
Full report available: (Departments>City Admin>Advance Planning)
Draft Housing Element Background ► Existing conditions – housing costs and supply, special needs, constraints, programs ► Comments / questions
Housing Element Policies & Programs ► Existing policies ► Existing housing programs
General Plan Update Timeframe ► Draft General Plan December 2008 ► Submittal of Housing Element to State ► Boards/Commission review in early 2009 ► City Council April 2009