Celina Junior High School Parent Information Meeting February 26, 2015
Goals for the evening Meet and greet some new and familiar friends. Get information for academic decision making. Get information for electives decision making. Get information about navigating secondary school.
Administrative Team Principal – John Mathews Assistant Principal – Misty Warrick Counselor – Melanie Jackson
Leaders within the school Special Education Lead – Lisa Ubanoski English as a Second Language – Kelly Butler 504 coordinator – Melanie Jackson
Communication Ask your child Parent Portal Progress Reports (every 3 wks) Report Cards (every 9 wks) Bobcat Business/Newsletters Phone calls School Messenger Facebook Twitter School Website Remind
Junior High Philosophy High School Ready High Academic Standards for All Students Students are introduced to academic and extra-curricular options Students begin to determine strengths and preferences Build upon the partnership between the school, students and families.
Changes from Middle School Academic Rigor Increases Organization Skills Expand Developmental transition from childhood to young adulthood New responsibilities: – Learning – Communication – Social Dress Code expectations.
Course Selection Process Begin with the end in mind.
Graduation Requirements In Celina, in order to graduate under the Foundation Program, students must have a total of 26 credits. Our current 8 period day schedule only allows a student to earn 32 credits during their high school tenure. In order to make room for credit requirements, we offer courses in the Junior High for high school credit.
Courses for High School Credit (8 TH GRADE ONLY) HS Art – Prerequisite: JH Art. Algebra 1 – Prerequisite: 6 th and 7 th grade Accelerated Mathematics.
STAAR Testing in Junior High Seventh GradeEighth Grade Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies STAAR – the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness High school credit courses may require an End of Course exam in lieu to the grade level assessment.
Academic, Advanced & Accelerated Junior High School – Academic = State Curriculum (TEKS) Academic Classes – Level expected of everyone – Advanced = State Curriculum (TEKS) With greater Depth and Complexity – Ability – Want To – Accelerated = State Curriculum (TEKS compressed) Covering three years of math in two years
Academic vs Accelerated/Advanced Celina ISD’s curriculum is common to all schools across the state. Curriculum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The TEKS are designed and written as College Preparatory material. Reflective of national standards.
Advanced/Accelerated Academic Profile Consistently makes high A’s in on-level mathematics and ELAR. Is willing to work hard. Completes all assignments on time. Is a conscientious student. Is independently motivated. Is committed to AP level courses in High School. Seeks help when needed. Is well organized.
Advanced/Accelerated Academic Profile Reading above grade level. Strong study skills. Able to handle a more rapid pace of instruction. Strong work ethic (self discipline to plan, organize and complete tasks) Has a personal interest in the subject. Accepts a challenge eagerly. Likes to do more difficult assignments. Likes to solve complex, multi-step problems.
Other Considerations Students can still take an AP course in high school even if they do not take Algebra 1 in Junior High. A mathematics course in 12 th grade is crucial for bridging into college without a loss of skills. Students who take Algebra 1 in the 8 th grade are strongly encouraged to take a math course in the 12 th grade. That would be Calculus.
Accelerated Math Strand Accelerated Math Readiness – Determined at the End of 5 th Grade STAAR Scale Score Level 3 recommended. MSTAR score >92%. Mathematics class average >90%. Accelerated course contract.
Math Curriculum Sequence AcademicAccelerated 6 th grade6 th grade Academic6 th grade Accelerated Math 7 th grade7 th grade Academic7 th grade Accelerated Math 8 th grade8 th grade AcademicAlgebra 1 9 th gradeAlgebra 1Geometry Pre-AP 10 th gradeGeometryAlgebra 2 Pre-AP 11 th gradeAlgebra 2/Math ModelsPrecalculus Pre-AP 12 th gradePrecalculus/Algebra 2Calculus AP *Please note, this list is not exhaustive as other math courses do exist at the high school level and additional courses may be added.
Advanced ELAR Strand Advanced ELAR Readiness – Determined at the End of 5 th Grade: STAAR Scale Score Level 3 recommended. Student is reading above grade level English class average >90%. Advanced course contract
English Sequence AdvancedAcademic 6 th Grade 6 th Grade ELAR Advanced* 6 th Grade ELAR 7 th Grade 7 th Grade ELAR Advanced* 7 th Grade ELAR 8 th Grade 8 th Grade ELAR Advanced* 8 th Grade ELAR 9 th Grade Pre AP English I English I/Pre-AP 10 th Grade Pre AP English II English II/Pre-AP 11 th Grade AP/Dual Credit English III English III or Dual Credit English III 12 th Grade Dual Credit English IV English IV Dual Credit English IV *Summer Reading Project Required
Course Selection Talk about their academic future now. Discuss options with your child. Decisions To Make: – Which level of academic class in Mathematics and English Language Arts and Reading is most appropriate for you? – Which elective is most appropriate for you?
Electives All electives meet every day. Electives are for the entire year. Students not meeting standard on a STAAR test will be assigned into an intervention class in lieu of one of their electives.
Course selection Every student takes: English Language Arts and Reading Math Social Studies Science
Typical Day in 7 th Grade English Language Arts and Reading – 90 minutes Math – 90 minutes Science – 45 minutes History – 45 minutes Physical Education – 45 minutes Elective – 45 minutes
7 th Grade Course Selection Four Required Courses, P.E./Athetics, & One Elective Period Full Year Electives – Band – Choir – Art
Who? What? When? Incoming sixth grade course selection sheets are due to your child ’ s ELAR teacher by Friday, March 6, 2015.
Grading policy Nine Week grading periods: – 50% major assessments – 30% minor assessments – 20% daily work Semester Grade : – Average of two quarters and Semester Exam.
Homework Most homework will be work that was not finished in class. Your child will have homework most evenings. Junior High class assignments/projects are more rigorous and may require extra time to complete. Students need a quiet place each evening to work on homework. Sometimes it is helpful to create a check system with your child to ensure accountability with your child.
Schedule Changes Once you have submitted your schedule request to your teacher, you may call the junior high school to request a change prior to the beginning of the school year. Once the year has begun due to a tight master schedule, changes can occur within the first two weeks if there has been a mistake. Due to constraints within the schedule, changes may not be granted.
Athletic Info. Parent meeting April 27 at 6 p.m. 6 th and 7 th boys in the field house meeting room 6 th and 7 th grade girls in the weight room. Physicals: May 21, 2015 After School
Schedule Pick-up day Tuesday, August 11 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 1:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Questions? the Counselor – the Assistant Principal – the Principal –