Faculty of Medicine Learning Collaborative Unionization of Research Personnel and Contract Academic Staff Regulations April 28, 2011
Outline of Today’s Session: Mr. Robert Comeau -- AMURE: the Association of McGill University Research Employees Questions and discussion Christine Dolden, Melina Tondino -- Contract Academic Staff (CAS) regulations a. Ranked academic staff – Christine b. Unranked academic staff – Melina Questions and discussion
Ranked Contract Academic Staff (CAS) Who is a CAS member? Types Ranks Descriptors Appointing CAS members Joint CAS appointments Promotions Termination
Who is a CAS member? Contract Academic Staff: A member of the academic staff, other than a member appointed in a tenure track position or those covered by a collective agreement May be ranked or unranked Appointed to term positions May be for a definite or indefinite term May be full-time or part-time* May hold joint appointments of the same classification (ie. not a ranked appointment and an unranked appointment)
CAS Types- Ranked and Unranked Ranked CAS: eg. Faculty Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, full Professor, and Research Scientist Unranked CAS: eg. Research Assistant, Research Associate, Academic Associate (R.A.’s – only until they have a collective agreement) Unranked CAS – Other: eg. Course Lecturer Unranked CAS – Affiliation/Visiting: eg. Adjunct Professor, Visiting Scholar, Visiting Professor, Professor of Practice
The Breakdown: Total number of academic positions in the Faculty of Medicine: ~3,600 1. Tenure track members: ~500 2. CAS members: ~3,100 Unranked CAS: ~800 Ranked CAS: ~2, 200 (~1,600 our former “GFT-H’s”)
Ranked CAS - Descriptors Ranked CAS are furthered identified with descriptors: Clinical eg. Assistant Professor (Clinical). “GFT-H” will no longer be used Professional (generally not used in Faculty of Medicine) Practice (generally not used in Faculty of Medicine) The Faculty of Medicine is requesting the creation of additional descriptors (pending approval): Education Research
Ranked CAS - Terms Definite Term Appointments: Ranked CAS are appointed for an initial term of not more than 3 years May be reappointed for additional definite terms in the same department for up to 6 years Indefinite Term Appointments: A ranked CAS members who has 6 years of continuous service in the same department is appointed for an indefinite term (ie. no appointment end date) NB: regular monitoring of indefinite term appointments paid from research funds is required*
Appointing New Ranked CAS No change to our current Faculty of Medicine process: C.V., letter of support from Chair/Director to Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs Letter of offer to be co-signed by Chair and Associate Dean NB: appointments of CAS staff to the rank of full Professor must go through the University Tenure Committee for Recruitment first
Letter of Offer for Ranked CAS Letters of Offer: Templates on AAO website include updated wording and links ( Include info on academic duties (and clinical, if appropriate) Academic duties may overlap with the 3 areas assigned to tenure track faculty: research, teaching, other scholarly contributions Indicate full-time or part-time (if part-time, also FTE or hours per week) Indicate if it is a joint appointment
Joint CAS Ranked Appointments Treated similarly to joint tenure track appointments: letter of offer must indicate that it is joint and be co-signed by both Chairs/Directors & Associate Dean Reappointments require support from a review committee with equal representation from both departments (no longer required once Indefinite) Promotions require support from a special promotions committee with equal representation from both departments Use part-time Associate Member title as appropriate
Promotions – Ranked CAS Three classical spheres of evaluation: teaching, research and other scholarly duties (similar to tenure track) In addition, Faculty of Medicine is revising our guidelines on the criteria for promotion to recognize clinical innovation as a sphere of evaluation equal to research (pending approval from Provost) Ranked CAS may apply following the 6 th year; departments may put forward at any time Excellence in two of the three spheres required for promotion
Termination of Ranked CAS The process remains unchanged: For ranked CAS with more than one year of service, 37 weeks written notice is given Units should submit a written request to the Academic Affairs Office, who will submit request to the Academic Personnel Office Formal written notification will come from the Provost’s Office to the member
Unranked CAS Presentation by Melina Tondino, Manager and Senior HR Advisor, Faculty of Medicine
Unranked CAS - Descriptors Unranked CAS are appointed to one of the following classifications: Research Assistant; Research Associate or Senior Research Associate; Associate Curator or Curator; Academic Associate or Senior Academic Associate; Instructor or Senior Instructor
Unranked CAS - Terms Definite Term Appointments: Unranked CAS are initially appointed for a term of not more than 3 years (1 year at a time recommended) May be reappointed for additional definite terms in the same department for up to 6 years Indefinite Term Appointments: An unranked CAS member who has 6 years of continuous service in the same department is appointed for an indefinite term (i.e. no appointment end date) NB: regular monitoring of indefinite term appointments paid from research funds is required*
Appointing New Unranked CAS No change to our current Faculty of Medicine process: The following documents must be submitted to HR, Medicine for Research Assistants and to AAO for other groups: CV Job description Draft offer letter Once approved, can proceed with the appointment form
Letter of Offer for Unranked CAS An extension letter is required at each renewal and must be sent to HR/AAO Once a staff member has been appointed to the same position for 6 years, the end-date is removed from the letter.
Termination of Unranked CAS – Definite term For an initial one year appointment, if the letter indicates non-renewal with no further notice, nothing further required For any additional extensions of definite appointments, even if the above provision is in the letter, separate notice of termination required: At MINIMUM four weeks written notice prior to the termination date of the appointment; Otherwise, an additional two months (plus the four weeks) will be required *Notice can be worked or pay in lieu of working notice *Terminations approved at the Faculty level
Termination of Unranked CAS – Indefinite term Letters do not contain an end-date in this case Staff in unranked, indefinite term appointments must be given at MINIMUM eight weeks written notice prior to the termination date of the appointment; Otherwise, an additional four months (plus the eight weeks) will be required. *Notice can be worked or pay in lieu of working notice *Terminations approved at the Faculty level