Summary Network infrastructure consolidation & upgrade 66 kV et 18 kV UPS SILCON replacement project Projects and maintenance work on substation 400 kV & 66 kV Maintenance works on 18 kV, 3.3 kV and LV networks Yearly tests Other EN/EL consolidation & upgrade projects Projects for other groups R2E Cables & fibres projects Schedule Workloads Increase of manpower EN/EL activities during LS1 212/06/2012 LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
66 et 18 kV Networks Consolidation & Upgrade 3 power cables replacement18 kV SPS New substation BE91in Prévessin (Safe feeding of CCC safety network for SPS) Repowering CCC 66 kV Protection system consolidation (Prévessin and LHC ) Extension of the 66 kV substation Prevessin New 66 kV feeder on Meyrin site + upgrade of the18 kV substation in the west area ME59 New power link18 kV ME9 –ME59 in Meyrin and Autotransfert modification accordingly Upgrade main18 kV substation in Prévessin du BE Consolidation of fire protection systems for power transformers and for the 400 kV substation Consolidation of the18 kV substations BA4 et BA5 requirements depending mainly on the injector schedule (2013 !) Total budget = 20 MCHF 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
66 et 18 kV Networks Consolidation & Upgrade 4 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL 2013 Upgrade sous station BE 2013 Upgrade sous station BE Réseau secours Prevessin et SPS Réseau secours Prevessin et SPS Sous station BE SPS consolidation SPS consolidation Rénovation protection 66 kV Rénovation protection 66 kV Nouvelles lignes 66 kV et 18 kV vers Meyrin Nouvelles lignes 66 kV et 18 kV vers Meyrin
66 et 18 kV Networks Consolidation & Upgrade 5 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL Nouvelles lignes 66 kV et 18 kV vers Prevessin Nouvelles lignes 66 kV et 18 kV vers Prevessin Nouvelle sous station 66 kV MEH Nouvelle sous station 66 kV MEH Nouvelles liaison 18 KV entre ME9 –ME Nouvelles liaison 18 KV entre ME9 –ME Upgrade sous station ME Upgrade sous station ME59
6 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL LS1 EN-EL activities Power distribution and Operation
Replacement of SILCON UPSs 7 All cryo and machine : 82 UPS Any new UPS connections Requests must be done before end of June Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL UPS machine : 2 UPS in RE (x16) 2 UPS in UA (x8) 2 UPS each LHC point (US, UW ou UJ) (x8) UPS cryo : 2 UPS on LHC even points (US, UW) (x4) 2 UPS on surface even points (SA, SH) (x4) 2 UPS in PM18
Replacement of SILCON UPSs 8 Impact on other activities: 6 weeks per area (for 2 UPS) Distribution downstream off during works Possible refeeding from diesel network (subject to request justified by safety) Transport and handling: ~ 660 kg for an UPS and 2000 kg for battery sets (removal of old ones as well ) Lifts on Points 3, 5 et 7 too small for UPS : Width > 800 mm Alcoves RE : A safety issue has to be considered: Charging batteries may lead to hydrogen production. Ventilation must be dimensioned so that the risk of explosion is eliminated (EN/EL, GS/ASE, HSE) 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
66 & 400 kV Substations Maintenance & Projects 9 Maintenance 400 kV & 66kV substations Tests of the protection and signals on the RTE interfaces On-site maintenance of two 400 kV circuit breakers Factory maintenance of three 400 kV circuit breakers Maintenance of the 400 kV & 66kV transformers Projects Consolidation of the66 kV protection (BE & LHC ) Extension of the 66 kV substation Consolidation of the fire detection of the 400 kV substation & its transformers Schedule contraints 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL RTE (400 kV)Disconnected during 3-4 weeks ALPIQ (SIG)60 MVA max during 8 weeks after the LHC warm-up Réseau de transport 66 kVOff during 8 weeks AUTOTRANSFERTInoperable during 8 weeks Tests AUG LHCCannot be done during this time
1007/06/ & 400 kV Substations Maintenance & Projects
18 kV, 3.3 kV & LV Networks Maintenance 11 1/3 of the equipment 18 kV et 3.3kV : 400 cubicles LHC General Services LV switchgears LHC Safety Network LV switchgears Replacement of all breakers dedicated to the LHC safety network switching LHC Diesel PLC consolidation LHC 18 kV & 400 V switchgears in the alcoves Planning - requirements Slots of 5 to 6 days for each LHC points (including the AUG tests on the last day) No underground access for 2 to 3 days (safety network not available) No handling operations for 5 days (distribution off cranes off) No 18 KV maintenance during 400/66 kV maintenance operations No safety network maintenance while AUTOTRANSFERT is off Necessary coordination with CRG & CV 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Yearly Test Campaigns 12 Diesel and safety network AUTOTRANSFERT AUG Schedule - requirements PS / SPS magnet tests and run CTF3 until december 2012 Warm-up LHC Cryo To be scheduled: end 2012 or early 2013 end 2013 or early 2014 end 2014 ? No AUG tests during maintenance on 400 kV 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Other EL Consolidation Projects Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL DescriptionConfirmed ?Technically defined? Consolidation following task force «48V LHC2» (LHC)yesyes (2012) obsolete LV switchgears (ME23, ME24)yes Replacement of obsolete switchgears (LHC, MEY)yes Replacement of LHC safety network PLC & Circuit breakers yes Consolidation of LHC Diesel PLCnono (LS2) Increase reliability of AUG in LHCyes Consolidation of EL SCADA systemyes
Projects for other groups EN/CV Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL EL & CV meeting on 04/05/2012 New meeting to be scheduled asap DescriptionConfirmed ?Technically defined for EL? Upgrade pumping station PM32yes SU2 & SU8 TRANE motors replacementyes New cooling tower SHM LHC4yesno (on its way) New cooling tower LHC6 & LHC8yesno (on its way) New chiller SPS-BA3no Closing collimators area LHC7nono (Major issue) Upgrade ventilation PS : Design and supply the new power supply for the ventilation units. yesno Safety measures for LHC: deltap tunnel UX85: New power line yesno New chillers SU2 for Alicenono (on its way)
Projects for other groups TE/EPC Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL DescriptionConfirmed ?Technically defined for EL? LHC filters protections from FIR to TENCH (new sepams ?) yes Converters replacement FMCM SR1 et SR5no Control cabling for transformers SMB ?yesno BEQ2 et BEQ3 protections from baycontroler to PLCyesno SVC : 18 kV cables LHC2 replacementyes New feeder18 kV SMB for SPS 3yesno SPS Mains Converters: Consolidation : Supply and installation of Earthing Switches and 18kV cables yesno EPC High Voltage Power Converter Test Bench: Construction in building 377 yes EPC Medium Power Converter Test Bench: Construction in building 287 yesno Last meeting 7 th of June 2012: Most of the requests clarified and will be defined soon. Most of the requests scheduled on 1 st semester 2014
Projects for other groups various Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL DescriptionConfirmed ?Technically defined for EL? 513 Upgrade automatic Normal / Secoursyes HIE ISOLDEyes LV infrastructures for bungalows SMACCyesNo, but on its way(2012) LINAC 4yes Moving transformer Civil Engineering on the Route Goward over the PS no Electrical power supplies to new cranes. HE consolidation yesno ELENA Extra Low Energy Antiproton (hall 193) no COMPASSno
R2E Relocation of equipment 17 Locations UJ14, 16, US15, UJ56, USC55, UL55, UL557, UJ76, TZ76, PM76, US85, UL84. Work scheduled during all LS1. Contractors EMTE (Points 1, 7, 8) & SPIE (Point 5). Impact on other activities: Difficult access to the work zone, transport not easy, limited co-activity (pts 5 (UP, UL) & 7 (TZ)) Coordination: Works done with MEF, MTE, EPC, CV, HE, EN-EL (consignation/déconsignation) 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
R2E Interruption of Service 18 Locations UJ14, 16 – UJ56 (+ adjacent tunnel area) – UJ76 (+ adjacent tunnel area) – US85 (+ adjacent tunnel area) Impact on networks and personnel safety: UPS network (EOD) : consignation schedule compatible with WARM-UP cryo & other works? Converter network (ERD) en UJ14-15, UJ56, UJ76 Réseaux canalis racks – consignation schedule compatible with WARM-UP cryo & other works? The safety network (ESD) & general services networks (EBD – plugs & Lighting) will be operational during works but during 2 weeks, including one week without any EL safety systems: 48 VDC, AUG and safety lighting. Presently scheduled : October / November Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Replacement of water cooled cable hoses : 1907/06/2012 Locations: UA/RA47, 63, 67, 83 et 87 12.5 months. Contractor: FLOHE, Supply: FLOHE & Contitech m. Impact on other activities: Access to UAs & RAs, scaffolding around converters, access to RA tunnel close to DFBs Coordination: Works done with CV, EPC, MEF, HE, MTE & EN-EL (consignation/décons.) Schedule 2 shifts will not be possible (limited FLOHE manpower) LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
basket 1, 2 Cable tray New cable baskets LHC 1, 3 et /06/2012 following ALARA 01/2012 Locations: R34, R36, R37 – 2 cable baskets on 550m. 3 full months. Contractor C209, supply C209. Other areas: RB14, 16, R542, 561: câblofil/télex installation on the ground. Impact on other activities: Access to the tunnel pt 3, difficult transport activities. Coordination: Works done with MEF et EN-HE et EN-EL (Integration) Schedule: Lead by RP. New cables to be installed in point 3 (TE-VSC) LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
12 Flexwell cables replacement PM /06/2012 Locations: SR4, SL42, SD4, PM45, UJ44, UJ46, RA43, RA47 4 full weeks. Contractor: EMTE, supply: CERN. Impact on other activities: Access to PM45, RA up to 12 cell including areas behind DFBs. Coordination: Works to be done with BE-RF, MEF, MTE, EPC (consignation/décons.) Schedule: to be defined with MEF et BE-RF (tests and connectors mounting). Removal of 10km and installation of 7.4 km of Flexwell cable 7/8. LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
TOTEM: modification of WCC circuits 2207/06/2012 circuits RQ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Locations: RR53 & 57 5 full months on both sides Contractor FLOHE, supply: Technical Specification to be written. Impact on other activities: Access to RR53 et 57, transport. Works above converters. Coordination: Work to be done with MEF, HE, CV, TE-EPC, TE-MPE & EN-EL (Integration, consignation/décons.) Schedule: to be defined with MEF. RR53 DFB LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Many requests from other groups and from the experiments to be finalised (CRG, ASE, etc.) Experiments requests were not included in LS1 EN-EL activities 2307/06/2012 LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
S 12 P1P1 S 23 P2P2 S 34 P3P3 S 45 P4P4 S 56 P5P5 S 67 P6P6 S 78 P7P7 S 81 P8P8 N ov. D ec. J an. F eb. M ar. A pr. M ay J un. J ul. A ug. S ep. O ct. N ov. D ec. J an. F eb. M ar. A pr. M ay J un EN Feb. 8th 2012K. Foraz - LHC Performance Workshop PT Splices Cryo Maint. -> 10K CSCM CSCM preparation Warm-up Powering Tests Cool-down Travaux 400 kV et 66 kV – Pas d’autotransfert – S CERN <60MVA Consignations pour R2E ?
Summary of HV, LV & Controls during LS Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL Projects + Maintenance + Tests EL & other groups Workload for High Voltage, Low Voltage & Controls Sections Requirements / Resources > 1,2 In particular during 2 nd semester 2013) More resources More requests are not affordable
Cables & Fibres: Requests from BE Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres: Requests from TE Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL VSC requests were not fully considered yet
Cables & Fibres: Requests from PH Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres: Requests from IT Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres 30 The preparation work behind the cabling workload estimate 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL requirements/resources The LS1 Project Leader decided
Cables & Fibres 32 Additional resources AGH (12 project associates from Krakow) Fellows & associates (+10 in 2011/2012) 2 installation contracts (doubled manpower) FSU being prepared Specialists + project managers required (skilled and experienced people) 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres 33 Help from other departments & experiments We still want new people working with EL team in order to have coherent works done Work supervisors Knowledge and experience of cable laying or fibre blowing technologies Experience in work site supervision Knowledge of site works Project managers Project management People management Schedule & Budget management Knowledge of dedicated softwares(GESMAR, Câblothèque) 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
Cables & Fibres 34 But there are limits to the increase of manpower: Lack of experience Increase of manpower of contractors CERN access, hotels, logistics bottle neck, Base vie? Schedule/coactivity 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL
35 LS1 will be a very huge shutdown also for EN/EL On the HV & LV infrastructure side, The program will be done with some additional resources On the cables & fibres side, the situation is critical: prioritization is done but the effort is huge for the section in charge. Additional resources have been deployed from other departments: more are needed. We are worried about the flow of requests which are still popping up in or elsewhere 12 Juin 2012LS1 Day - François Duval EN-EL EN/EL activities during LS1: Conclusion