Business Office Rules Education 2010
Ethical Conduct All Coaches, Department Staff & Student- Athletes Act with Honesty & Sportsmanship Must provide complete & accurate information to the NCAA & ND regarding any ongoing or pending investigations of possible violations of NCAA rules 2
Ethical Conduct Gambling Solicit/Accept a bet on any professional or collegiate team (for an item of tangible value) Provide inside information Participate in any gambling activity on NCAA sponsored collegiate or professional sports ◦Includes bracket pools & fantasy leagues if BOTH an entry fee is required and a prize is awarded 3
Recruiting Permissible Recruiters ◦Certification ◦Exceptions Contact Periods ◦Quiet ◦Dead Recruiting Materials & Contacts ◦Sept. 1 & June 15 Rule; July 1 Official Visits Unofficial Visits 5
Recruiting – Official Visits Length of Visit Transportation Lodging Meals Entertainment Complimentary Admissions Parking Student Hosts Inducements; Impermissible Activities 6
Recruiting – Unofficial Visits Transportation Lodging Meals Complimentary Admissions Parking 7
Recruiting – Assoc Individuals 13.8 Individuals Associated with PSAs High School Employee Coach Max 2 comp admissions 8
Sports Camps & Clinics Attendance Restrictions Admissions: Discounts unrelated to ability Payment of Expenses Awards 9
Financial Aid SAOF Donor Contributions Full Grant-in-Aid Period of Award Summer Aid 11
Extra Benefits A student-athlete, their family and friends, may not accept a benefit from an employee of Notre Dame or a representative of the University’s athletics interests (e.g., alumnus, season-ticket holder, donor) If it is not available to the Notre Dame student body or the general public – it is an extra benefit 12
Extra Benefits Money, gifts, clothing, tickets for entertainment, haircut, use of a car Free or reduced-cost room or board anywhere (SB, hometown) Free or reduced-cost merchandise or services Use of Athletics Department copy/fax machines, long distance telephone service, free use of a cell phone Special discount or credit on the purchase of an airline ticket Loan of money or co-signing of a note to arrange for a loan Receipt of complimentary admissions for your family or friends other than your comps or those of a teammate Sale or trade of your comps for merchandise, services or debt repayment Sale or trade of any items you’ve received for your participation in athletics (shoes, uniform, awards) 13
Boosters What can a representative of the University’s athletics interests do for a current student-athlete? ◦Occasional home or on-campus meal ◦Legitimate employment opportunity NOTHING ELSE! 14
Medical Expenses May be financed by institution: Insurance (medical & travel death/dismemberment) Drug-Rehabilitation Counseling related to eating disorder treatment Special expenses resulting from permanent disability ◦PSA on official visit ◦Current or former SA Glasses, contacts, goggles Medical exams Medical treatment (including travel) Medical expenses (surgical, meds, rehab, pt, dental) 15
16.5 Housing & Meals All SA on the same team must receive identical meal allowances on trips & during vacation periods when SA are required to remain on campus for practice/competition Preseason Practice Vacation Periods (term dependency) Home Contests Away-from-Home Contests 16
Per Diem/Meals In Conjunction with Home Contests: All student-athletes are permitted to receive meals at the institution’s discretion beginning with the evening before competition and continuing until they are released. It is not permissible to provide cash in lieu of meals during this time period. At the time the student-athletes are released following competition, the institution is permitted to provide a meal or cash, but not both. If cash is given, the amount may not exceed $15. 17
Per Diem/Meals In Conjunction with Away-from-Home Contests: Option #1 – Regular meals (or per diem) plus either pregame or postgame meal. Opportunity for cash in lieu of postgame meal Option #2 – Meals at discretion from required report time until the team returns to campus or is released 18
Per Diem/Meals In Conjunction with Away-from-Home Contests; Option #1: All student-athletes are permitted to receive a pregame or postgame meal in addition to regular meals (or meal allowances/per diem). An institution, at its discretion, may provide cash, not to exceed $15, in lieu of a postgame meal (but not a pregame meal). ◦All student-athletes on the same team must receive identical meal allowances ◦Student-athletes can receive up to 4 meals per day, per diem for 3 meals plus $15 for postgame meal or a combination of meals and per diem provided no “double dipping” occurs 19
Per Diem/Meals In Conjunction with Away-from-Home Contests; Option #2: All student-athletes are permitted to receive meals at the institution’s discretion from the time the team is required to report on call for team travel until the team returns to campus ◦Institution is not permitted to give per diem in lieu of a meal ◦One exception - the institution is permitted to provide a meal or cash in lieu of a meal (not to exceed $15) at the time of the student-athlete’s release regardless of whether they are returning to campus with the team 20
Competition Expenses Departure/Return Restrictions Depart no earlier than 48 hours prior Remain not more than 36 hours post ◦24 hours – Men’s Basketball Exceptions 21
Donation Requests Should you be asked to autograph an item for a promotional or fundraising activity, you may do so only if: Prior written approval from the Athletic Compliance Office is obtained (via & Sports Marketing) The item must benefit an institutional, charitable, educational, or non-profit organization 22