OVERVIEW Purpose Authority Reasons for Demotion Demotion Process Appeal Process
MP1: Purpose E nsure personnel are fully qualified to serve in their current grade and position. What should leadership do about Airmen who do not demonstrate abilities and skills equal to their rank? – AFPD 36-25, para 3.2 Peter Principle: States that people are promoted to their level of incompetence.
Policy: Give opportunity to overcome deficiencies Can not demote Airmen who have separated Cannot be suspended (Suspension is a form of punishment) Restoring grade should be uncommon Do not reassign in lieu of demotion -AFI para MP1: Purpose
MP2: Demotion Authority Amn - MSgt >>> SPCMA Commander SMSgt – CMSgt >>> AFCR/CV Voluntary >>> Wing Commander The Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) may demote to significantly reduce strength, grade levels, or both.
MP3: Reasons for Demotions Student Status Termination Skill level Multiple failures on AF fit test Failure to participate Voluntary change of assignment (cross-train) Failure to fulfill NCO responsibilities Reorganization (BRAC)
Involvement Immediate commander Individual Military Personnel Flight (MPF) Demotion Authority MP4: Demotion Process
Unit CC Consults With SJA STOP PROCESS NO CC Notifies Airmen in Writing (Include a summary of basis with facts, rights to council, right to a personal hearing) YES
Airman responds to Commander orally, in writing, or both within 30 calendar days (The commander may grant an extension in writing) Notifies Airmen he/she is stopping the process. STOP CC reviews Airmen’s response to demotion. (Agrees/Disagrees) The commander notifies the airman of the decision in writing, summarizes any written or oral statements made by the airman and sends the entire case file to the servicing Military Personnel Flight (MPF) for processing. Continue Process
Military Personnel Flight The MPF provides the demotion package to the demotion authority (next higher level commander). The demotion authority approves the demotion and writes the airman’s servicing MPF to publish a demotion order. The MPF endorses the demotion authority’s memorandum and sends it to the initiating commander. Agrees The demotion authority disapproves the demotion and writes to the airman’s servicing MPF. The demotion authority notifies the MAJCOM and the airman through the initiating commander by endorsing the document. STOP Disagrees Demotion Authority The demotion authority can take additional grade reductions other than the initiating commander’s recommendation. The demotion authority requests a written legal review from the servicing staff judge advocate (SJA) before deciding the demotion.
Commander’s Action The commander informs the airman of the grade to which he or she is demoted, include the Date of Rank (DOR) and the demotion effective date. The commander informs the airman that he or she must acknowledge the decision or can appeal the demotion decision to the appellate authority (next higher level commander to the demotion authority) within 30 calendar days. (May grant an extension) Airmen’s Action The airman acknowledges receipt by endorsing the document including the date. Airmen is Demoted No Appeal Appeal Demotion Authority Reverses decision and restores original grade. Or demotion authority forwards case to appellate authority without comment.
AIRMEN ELECTS RETIREMENT IN LIEU OF DEMOTION Airmen’s Actions The airman indicates he or she prefers to retire in lieu of demotion, provided airman is eligible for voluntary retirement. The effective date of retirement will be no later than the 1st day of the 4th month following the date the airman received the initial demotion notification. When an airman submits an application to retire in lieu of demotion, all demotion action stops until the authorities act on the retirement application. MPF Actions The MPF forwards the retirement application with a copy of the entire demotion case to HQ AFMPC/DPMARR2, 550 C Street West, Suite 11, Randolph AFB, TX, , within 5 workdays.
MP5: Grade Demotions Limitations SrA no lower than A1C A1C no lower than an Amn Amn no lower than AB Demote by three or more grades only when no reasonable hope exists that the airman
Must be in writing Must be done within 30 Calendar Days Appellate authority: – For Amn - MSgt >>> AFRC/CV – For SMSgt - CMSgt >>> AFRC/CC MP6: Appeal Process
Appellate Authority E2- E7 Appeal to AFRC/CV E8- E9 Appeal to AFRC/CC The appellate authority approves the appeal and directs the servicing MPF to restore the airman’s grade and revoke the demotion order. Through the initiating commander, the MPF sends a memorandum telling the airman that the appellate authority approved the appeal and the airman’s previous grade was restored. Approves the Appeal The appellate authority disapproves the airman’s appeal. The servicing MPF notifies the airman in writing, via the MAJCOM and initiating commander, both of whom endorse the notice. Disapproves the Appeal
Retirement Authority Decision The demotion process continues if the authorities disapprove the application. The demotion process terminates if authorities approve the retirement application. STOP
SUMMARY Purpose Authority Reasons for Demotions Demotion Process Appeal Process