TIF Award Model Overview New Boston Local School District
A collaboration of 24 Ohio districts, ODE, and Battelle for Kids Five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education What is ?
New Boston Local Goals through
Award Model Development New Boston Local School District
New Boston’s Award Model Components Embracing Excellence & Professionalism Recognizing Student Achievement Recognizing Student Growth Building School Capacity Fostering Student Growth Leadership
Award Performance Metrics Performance Index Increase of 3% Recognizing Student Achievement Eligible Staff Instructional Staff and Administrators Potential Award $150 New Boston Local’s Award Model
Award Performance Metrics Multiple Measures W.R.I.T.E.-75% students with 3 or 4 on rubric Pre/Post 75% of students green zone Recognizing Student Growth Eligible Staff Teachers in Grade Band Pods: PreK-K, 1- 3,4-6, 7-9, Potential Award $500 New Boston Local’s Award Model
Award Performance Metrics Value-Added Band-meets or exceeds one year’s growth Recognizing Student Growth Eligible Staff Teachers in grades 3-11 with Value Added Reports Potential Award $500 per Value-Added Report New Boston Local’s Award Model
Award Performance Metrics Peer Observation Participation 2 observations with documentation notes and reflections Building School Capacity Eligible Staff Classroom Teachers Potential Award $340 New Boston Local’s Award Model
Award Performance Metrics Serve in leadership position performing roles and responsibilities to enhance building and district achievement and growth Fostering Student Growth Leadership Eligible Staff Building Leadership Teams District Leadership Team Potential Award BLT-$306 DLT-$406 New Boston Local’s Award Model
Award Performance Metrics High needs students receive mentoring /tutoring before or after school. Award allocation is granted if student tutored achieves proficient on 2012 OAA Fostering Student Growth Leadership Eligible Staff Classroom Teachers Potential Award $200 per student tutored New Boston Local’s Award Model
New Boston Local School District will disburse TIF Award to those designated staff members in our Award Model employed by NBLSD by October 1, 2011 though May 15, Using the New Boston TIF Award model, NBLSD will disburse awards to designated staff members in attendance 94.5% of the school year. This excludes absences for bereavement; military leave, religious holiday, vacation, short term disability, FMLA, personal illness, family illness, or personal leave. NBLSD staff members must be in good standing with district. Employees must be in good standing at the time of payment. Therefore, an employee under investigation or reassigned pending investigation is not eligible for the TIF Award payment until he or she is cleared of any allegation. If the investigation is concluded with a confirmation of inappropriate employee behavior, the employee is not eligible to receive the TIF Award. Additionally, employees who retire in lieu of termination or resign in lieu of termination are not eligible to receive the TIF Award payment. If an employee meets all of the eligibility requirements for an award and then resigns or retires from the district prior to the payout of the TIF award, the employee is still eligible for the award. New Boston Local School District will use the BFKAward™ tool to communicate individual awards, describe eligibility, calculate award amounts and process appeals. NBLSD TIF Award components will include quantifiable measurements.
Data collection occurs during school year Linkage process takes place in the spring NBLSD will use BFK Award® to report, verify and calculate awards Payouts for Year 1 will be made in late 2012 or early 2013 Data
Award model will be enhanced for Year 2 of the grant Recognition of student growth component expansion to include additional non-tested area teachers Professional growth award expansion Year 2 Award Model Enhancements
Five Year Journey Embracing and Rewarding Excellent Teaching and Professional Growth Collaborative Process If you have any questions contact: Christy Dever, TIF Coordinator New Boston Local School Distirct