Digital Textbooks Current Research
Research Debates Supporters Say: Insignificance difference in student academic performance Research showing students using the textbooks out-perform their traditional peers Students desire to use as well as have skills with technology Skeptics Say: Large body of research says students still prefer traditional form Implementing teaching strategies to overcome various difficulties Textbook publishing companies continue their monopolies into the digital domain
2010 Meurant Findings* iPads used in a Korean English-as-a- Foreign-Language classroom Noted ease of updating textbooks * = Meurant, R. C. (2010). iPad tablet computing to foster Korean EFL digital literacy. International Journal of U- & E-Service, Science & Technology, 3(4),
2011 Murray and Pérez Findings* Sections of college students enrolled in IT literacy course given either printed or digital curriculum materials Final exam scores: Printed = 86% Digital = 84% * = Murray, M. C., & Pérez, J. (2011). E-textbooks are coming: Are we ready? Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology, 8,
2011 Nelson, et al., Findings* Indiana school district implements a digital platform and textbooks in lieu of traditional ones Current, practical example of a successful switch * = Nelson, L. L., Arthur, E. J., Jensen, W. R., & Van Horn, G. (2011). Trading textbook for technology. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(7),
2012 Bouck & Meyer Findings* Successful use of digital textbooks to aid visually-impaired students Implications for aiding students with other disabilities * = Bouck, E. C., & Meyer, N. K. (2012). eText, mathematics, and students with visual impairments. Teaching Exceptional Children. 45(2)
2013 Daniel & Woody Findings* 298 college students given either print or digital options for a psychology class Quiz results showed little difference in performance or level of distractions * = Daniel, D. B., & Woody, W. D. (2013). E-textbooks at what cost? Performance and use of electronic v. print texts. Computers & Education, 62, doi: /j.compedu
2013 Gilmore & Rush Findings* Interviews conducted by educators in Tennessee and North Carolina Traditional and digital editions of reading comprehension test given to high school sophomores produced similar academic results Self-evaluated “technological confidence” demonstrated as a non-factor in ability to use digital textbooks * = Gilmore, B., & Rush, M. J. (2013). To "E" or not to "E". Independent School, 72(4),
2013 Rockinson-Szapkiw, et al., Findings* 538 college students given the choice between traditional or digital materials Digital users had similar assessment scores as well as higher affective and motor skills * = Rockinson- Szapkiw, A. J., Courduff, J., Carter, K., & Bennett, D. (2013). Electronic versus traditional print textbooks: A comparison study on the influence of university students' learning. Computers & Education, 63, doi: /j.compedu
2013 Stone & Baker-Eveleth Findings* Survey of college students via Usefulness and satisfaction as a driving force in the digital textbook market * = Stone, R. W., & Baker-Eveleth, L. (2013). Students’ expectation, confirmation, and continuance intention to use electronic textbooks. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), doi: /j.chb
2013 West Virginia Adoption* State government decision to implement digital platform and textbooks for all its schools * = West Virginia adoption process evolves. (2013). Electronic Education Report, 20(2), 1- 3.
Personal Opinions Laurie Says: “Great tool for educators and students!” “… but it needs more research and revision.” “Teachers need training ASAP to equip them to discern strategies.” Katie Says: “I approve of the use of this technology.” ;-) “The issue is one of how it is used, not of its nature.” “Let’s get some more research and sound instruction methods into the situation.”