Research Citations
What is a Works Cited Page? The works cited list should appear at the end of your essay. It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and be able to read any sources you cite in the essay. Each source you cite in the essay must appear in your works-cited list; likewise, each entry in the works-cited list must be cited in your text.
Plagiarism If a work is not cited, it is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking someone’s work and passing it off as your own. If you do not cite the information that you get, you will not get credit for the assignment.
Examples of Plagiarism Use someone else’s ideas as your own. Use a slightly changed statement as your own, putting your own words here and there and not giving credit. Fail to use quotation marks around exact sentences, phrases, or even words that belong to another person.
Examples Exchanging assignments with other students, either handwritten or computer generated, whether you believe they will be copied or not Using summaries/commentaries (Cliffs Notes, Spark Notes, etc.) in lieu of reading the assigned materials. Reuse your own work created previously for another class representing it as a first-time assignment.
Works Cited Internet Source Author(s). “Article Title”. Name of Web site. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site. Date of Access. “Parenthetical Citations”. Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue University. 10 Feb Skip the information the site does not list.
Parenthetical Citation Example Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, Print. “She cried as she left the room” (Henley). Article with author (Last Name).
Parenthetical Citations If book has no author (Title). If you are using a web source and there are no page numbers, use the authors last name, if there is an author, or the title of the page/article.
Works Cited Slide List every source used in the presentation If it wasn’t used, do not put it on the slide. Hanging indent Alphabetical order
Example "San Diego State University." SDSU San Diego State University. 12 Sept "San Diego State University At a Glance." College Board College Board. 12 Sept "The Art Institute of New York City." AINYC. 19 Apr The Art Institute of New York City. 12 Sept