Why and How; What’s Working and What Isn’t
How Low Impact Development can mitigate effects of urban drainage Applying design criteria for bioretention and harvesting/reuse Why is LID controversial? The LID mandate: Problems and possible solutions
Features Impervious surfaces: roofs and pavement Catch basins and piped drainage “Collect and convey” design objective
Site ScaleWatershed and Stream Scale Higher peak flowsFlooding and scouring of stream beds Lower time of concentrationFlash flows Runoff from small stormsDischarge when runoff did not previously occur Increased runoff durationsStream erosion at moderate stream flow rates Greater runoff volumesHigher pollutant loading Greater runoff energyConveys trash and gross pollutants to streams Decreased infiltrationLower and less frequent stream base flow Dry weather dischargesHigh pollutant concentrations during low flows
Watershed and Stream ScaleSite scale Reduce peak flowsDetain runoff on site Increase time of concentrationSlow runoff from leaving site No runoff from small stormsInfiltrate, evapotranspirate and reuse Reduce duration of moderate flowsLet runoff seep away very slowly Reduce runoff volumeInfiltrate and reuse where possible Reduce runoff energyDetain and slow flows Increase groundwater storage and stream base flows Facilitate infiltration Reduce pollutants in runoffDetain and filter runoff Protect against spills and dumpingDisconnect drainage and filter runoff
Instead of “collect and convey,” “slow it, spread it, sink it.” Avoid concentrating flows Keep drainage areas small Promote infiltration Detain Treat Route high flows so they flood safely
Optimize the site layout
Use pervious surfaces and green roofs where possible
Optimize the site layout Use pervious surfaces and green roofs where possible Disperse runoff to landscaping
Optimize the site layout Use pervious surfaces and green roofs where possible Disperse runoff to landscaping Direct drainage from impervious surfaces to bioretention facilities, flow-through planters, or dry wells
One Acre V Rainfall Record Hour #Gage hour drawdown Vary V until 80% is detained and 20% overflows Largest storm retained 85 th percentile, 24 hour 0.5" - 1.0" storm depth 0.2 inches per hour
infiltration evapotranspiration
Surface Loading Rate i = 0.2 inches/hour i = 5 inches/hour BMP Area/Impervious Area = 0.2/5 = 0.04
Facility must fully drain within specified drawdown time No way to “credit” removal of a portion for reuse unless drawdown is regular and predictable Water Quality Volume
Municipalities can pass implementation costs on to developers With a 4% sizing factor, nearly all projects can implement bioretention Costs are reasonable (<<1% of project cost) Bioretention technology is increasingly well-defined and well-known Bioretention has a strong track record with hundreds of projects of all types built and in operation
Bioretention not allowed unless infiltration, evapotranspiration, and harvesting/reuse are infeasible Poorly targeted exceptions for high- density, “smart growth” infill projects Regulatory rationale: “We have a feeling” Mandate for off-site and in-lieu programs Ever-increasing reporting requirements Invalid technical specifications written into permits
Focus on maximizing water quality benefit Trust and cooperation Fact-based decision-making Continuous Improvement Patience and Fortitude