ITEAM History Created in 2009 for the Forest Service Region 6 Replaced decommissioned EERA Database Primary Purpose – “source list” for non-VIPR resources Target Audience: Dispatch Procurement Fire & Aviation Mgt. (FAM) 2
ITEAM Current Scope: Master List EERAs Dispatch Contractor Employee Quals Changes for 2013: None!!! 3
ITEAM Getting Access: Handout Available at: ontracting/fact ontracting/fact - Access Guide in both CO & Dispatch Resources links Roles: Dispatch – Read Only CO 4
MASTER LISTS Optional source for locating resources: Primary source for drivers, toilets, handwash stations, & tents. Should consider these before open market Alternative to mob’ing IBPA resource that cannot meet date/time, but – Cannot be used in lieu of IBPAs! 5
MASTER LISTS Master Lists are: Generated by FACT Already negotiated SAM validated Master Lists are not: Signed preseason Binding Numbered New vendors/sources should be sent to FACT 6
DISPATCH TAB Primary Function = locate Master List resources Review Search Options Selecting a Resource: No DPL or formal selection process Consider: Price Proximity Date/Time Needed 7
EERA Remember these are incident-only! Requires new EERA for each incident Master List is not signed Note: When the EERA is issued it includes all resources on Master list EERA will require both Gov & Kr signature each order/incident Cannot reassign EERA New incident = new EERA 8
EERA Procurement & Dispatch need to coordinate local process Options: Dispatch can generate unsigned EERA in Dispatch Tab Still needs signature to be valid Work with local unit to develop process Procurement or Buying Team manages EERA process 9
EERA Option: Can unsigned EERA directly to vendor from ITEAM Help facilitate signature process Keeps record of orders Will not save changes/edits in ITEAM! Maintain hard copies as needed 10
EERA ATTACHMENTS Attach the following: General Clauses to EERA Wage Determination R6 Supplemental Terms & Conditions Vendor Code Information Sheet (if not in SAM) Attachments available at: 1.R6 Website: ntracting/fact ntracting/fact 2.Documents Tab in ITEAM 11
R6 MOB GUIDE CHANGES Chapter 20 Ordering Considerations In the event VIPR DPLs are exhausted and/or the closest available VIPR DPL resource is estimated to travel 10 or more hours to the incident, orders for the following resources should be returned to the local unit and attempt to be hired locally via incident-only EERA: Potable Water Truck Gray Water Truck Refrigerated Trailers Heavy Equipment (Dozer w/transport & Excavator w/transport) Misc. Heavy Equipment (Feller Bunchers, Masticators, Skidders, Road Graders) Fuel Tenders Chippers All other VIPR resource orders should be placed with NWCC when the DPLs are exhausted. 12
ENTERPRISE BPA New BPA in place Dispatch: Please monitor AD & Employee orders to ensure documentation is submitted to FACT Package needs to be started & returned by Host Center Host Center sends payment package to FACT 13
FINANCE COPIES VIPR generates “official” Finance Copies now! Found at: php php R6 to generate “Finance Copy Clauses” Tailored to each resource Posted to FACT web 14
DISPATCH ROAD SHOW LocationDateTimeMain Contact Redmond (Friday)09:00Valerie Reed Colville (Tuesday)08:30Rette Bidstrup Wenatchee (Wednesday)08:30Tina Blodgett LaGrande (Thursday)09:00Renae Crippen Burns (Friday)09:00Katie McConnell Eugene (Monday)10:30Sherry Kessel Roseburg (Wednesday)08:30Laurie Bartel Medford (Wednesday)15:00Gary Moberly Vancouver (Friday)09:00Steve Arasim 15