Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Wednesday March 6 DAY 5
Congratulations to the freshman volleyball team. They beat Butler 3-1 yesterday. They will travel to Canon Mac Thursday. Congratulations to the freshman volleyball team. They beat Butler 3-1 yesterday. They will travel to Canon Mac Thursday.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 6 Room G11 Questions? Contact
Softball Players All players please stop by Mr. Kornosky's room, 202, in order to be placed on the official roster. Be sure that Mr. K is there. All players please stop by Mr. Kornosky's room, 202, in order to be placed on the official roster. Be sure that Mr. K is there.
Attention OC Softball Players There will be a parent meeting for interested players on: Thursday, March 7 at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria Please plan on having at least one of your parents attend. There will be a parent meeting for interested players on: Thursday, March 7 at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria Please plan on having at least one of your parents attend.
OC Softball Open Gym Date: Weightlifting and Cardio: Thursday, March 7 immediately after school in the weight room
OC Chess News ON Thursday, the OC Queens will play Elizabeth Froward in our final home chess match. As promised, all students may wear ANY version of the OC Queen T-shirt on Thursday in lieu of their sweater vest. ON Thursday, the OC Queens will play Elizabeth Froward in our final home chess match. As promised, all students may wear ANY version of the OC Queen T-shirt on Thursday in lieu of their sweater vest.
There will be a brief MAPS meeting, a follow up from last weeks meeting, on Thursday directly after school in the study lounge area.
The next prom club meeting will be held on Monday, March 11 immediately after school in room 211. The next prom club meeting will be held on Monday, March 11 immediately after school in room 211.
Italy permission slips are due to Ms. Teeters by Friday, March 8.
There will be an Italy trip meeting for all travelers and their parents on Wednesday, March 13 at 6pm in room 211.
Attention seniors: Please remind your parents that yearbook ad orders are being taken online and due ASAP. Interested in a yearbook? It is time to place your order. Forms were mailed to your house and orders are placed online. See Mrs. Haslett if you have questions.
Pittsburgh Pirates Catholic School Night Friday, May 31 at 7:05 Order Forms for Tickets are available in the office.
Argument Assembly