2 Theorem 5.1 HALT TM is undecidable.
3 Theorem 5.2 E TM is undecidable.
4 Proof continued
5 Theorem 5.3 REGULAR TM is undecidable.
6 Continued Remark on Th. 5.3
7 Theorem 5.4 EQ TM is undecidable.
8 Definition 5.5 Computation History
9 Definition 5.6 Linear bounded automata A restricted type of Turing machine whererin the tape head is not permitted to move off the portion of the tape containing the input. If the machine tries to move its head off either end of the input, the head stays where it is, in the same way that the head will not move off the left-hand end of an ordinary Turing machine. The idea of changing the alphabet suggests that the definition be modified in such a way that the amount of memory allowed is linear in n.
10 Remark
11 Lemma 5.7 Let M be an LBA with q states and g symbols in the tape alphabet. There are exactly qng n distinct configurations of M for a tape of length n.
12 Theorem 5.8 A LBA is decidable.
13 Theorem 5.9 E LBA is undecidable.
14 Proof (continued)
15 Remark on Th. 5.9
16 Theorem 5.10 ALL CFG is undecidable.
17 The Post Correspondence Problem
18 Definitions of PCP and MPCP
19 Theorem 5.11 PCP is undecidable.
20 Proof continued
21 Demonstration by example (1), (2)+(4) # # q # # q # 2 q #
22 Demonstration by example (2)+(4), (3)+(4) # 2 q # # 2 q # 2 0 q # … # 2 0 q # # 2 0 q # 2 q # …
23 Demonstration by example (4)+(6) # # 2 1 q accept 0 2 # … # 2 1 q accept 0 2 #... # # 2 1 q accept 0 0 # 2 1 q accept 2 #... # q accept # …
24 Demonstration by example (7) # q accept # #
25 MPCP to PCP
26 Definition 5.12 Computable Function
27 Definition 5.15 Mapping Reducibility
28 Theorem 5.16
29 Example 5.18 Reduction from A TM to HALT TM
30 Example 5.19 A TM MPCP PCP
31 Example 5.20 E TM EQ TM
32 Example 5.21
33 Theorem 5.22 Turing recognizability
34 Remark
35 Theorem 5.24 EQ TM is neither Turing-recognizable nor co- Turing-recognizable.
36 Proof (continued)