CMS-ARDA Workshop 15/09/2003 CMS/LCG-0 architecture Many authors…
P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 2 CMS/LCG-N testbed CMS/LCG-0 is a CMS-wide testbed based on the LCG pilot distribution (LCG-0), owned by CMS –Red Hat 7.3 (7.3.2 with CERN kernel recommended) –Components from VDT and EDG 1.4.X (LCG pilot) –Components from DataTAG (GLUE schemas and info providers) –Virtual Organization Management: VOMS –RLS in place of the replica catalogue (uses rlscms by CERN/IT!) –Monitoring: GridICE by DataTAG –R-GMA (as BOSS transport layer for specific tests) Dynamic: install+test new components useful to CMS Support (outside CMS) –DataTAG WP4 –LCG Experiment Integration and Support (EIS) team Currently configured as a CMS RC and producing data for PCP It allows us to do our software integration while LCG-1 is not out!!!
P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 3 CMS/LCG-0 sites SiteInstalledMonitoredPCP-readyUI CERN PCP/data CNAF CMKIN onlyPCP/sub Bari PCP/sub Bologna CNAF UI Bristol Brunel Tools devel Imperial College Tools devel Islamabad-NCP E.Polytechnique PCP/sub Milano (EDT) Legnaro Padova PCP/sub NCU/Taiwan US Iowa SE only ~170 CPU’s
P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 4 MCRunjob +ImpalaLite or CMSProd CMS/LCG-0 as a CMS Regional Center Site Manager starts an assignment RefDB Phys.Group asks for an official dataset User starts a private production Production Manager defines assignments DAG job JDL shell scripts DAGMan (MOP) Local Batch Manager LCG Scheduler Computer farm CMS LCG-0 User’s Site (or grid UI) Resources Chimera VDL Virtual Data Catalogue Planner USCM S testbed
P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 5 SE CE CMS software CMS/LCG-0 PCP setup BOSS DB Workload Management System JDL RefDB parameters data registration Job output filtering Runtime monitoring input data location Push data or info Pull info UI CMSProd/ MCRunbjob +BOSS cmsrls CE CMS software CE CMS software CE WN SE CE CMS software SE UI BOSS DB SE CERN SE cmsrls Data replication LFN Job management
P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 6 Outcomes 4 UI’s testing different production tools –McRunjob/ImpalaLite (Bari, Bologna) complex! But consistent with “official” environment –CMSProd (Padova, Ecole Poly.) simple! Testbed is quite stable –500 Kevts “heavy” CMKIN (8 h /job (250 evts) ; ~20 GB) –500 Kevts CMSIM in production (350 Kevts/week; ~320 GB) Operates as a CMS Regional Centers –need to interact with existing environment, e.g.: not grid-aware comm. to/from RefDB: not grid-aware data transfer tools: SRB bridge at CERN –much more consistent architecture if we had only grid components! Only production services (no user analysis)