V-Con is an European co-funded project aiming for development of open BIM/GIS/SE solutions in the civil infrastructure sector with a focus on roads. V-Con offers vendors the opportunity to develop innovative proposals and solutions for use in the civil infrastructure sector via the V-Con Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) described on next page. V-Con´s general aim The V-Con project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Road Authorities by improving open data exchange in the civil infrastructure sector, with a focus on road construction and road asset management. Innovative proposals and solutions PCP Approach PCP is a step by step approach for procuring the development of innovative solutions via a challenge set by public organizations. It concerns the Research & Development phase before commercialization, so it covers the process from an initial idea to a product or service ready for commercialization. The PCP procurement consists of a funnel of three phases: challenge solution design, challenge prototype and pre-production testing. public organizations formulate a challenge/ problem of which they are looking for an innovative solution market parties are asked via a PCP tender procedure to present their innovative ideas and a plan for the development of it an evaluation commission assesses the bids and decide which of the bids will pass to the next phase a number of bids will start the development, a few bids will stay in the competition at the last phase V-Con provides (part of) the funding. Industry Day We will organize an “Industry Day” on October 9 th 2014 in Amsterdam. The main purpose of this day is to elaborate, explain and discuss together about the V-Con PCP. If you are interested to participate, please register on : The relevant documents about the V-Con PCP are published on : from September 22 th Click here to go to V-Con website
The vendors will, in phase 1-3, have dialogue sessions and meetings with the involved national road authorities in order to enhance the specifications and proposed V-Con Solutions. This V-Con PCP will continue until October 2016 when an end conference will take place with presentations of the “winning solutions”. Other participating vendors are also welcome to this conference with presentations of their solutions and ideas. After this PCP the intention of the V-Con consortium is to arrange for regular public procurements of commercial V-Con solutions. When? The request for tender will be released September 22 th, 2014 and deadline for phase 0 will be November 7 th, The request will be found via the EU Tenders portal, TED, at or Questions? Please contact: Hans de Milde at The V-Con consortium invites vendors to tender for a solution that supports the Linked Data approach and road information exchange and sharing based on open standards. The V-Con Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) aims at stimulating the market to come up with innovative ideas and proposals for development of pre-commercial products. The National Road Authorities, who procures road infrastructure design, construction, operation and maintenance from different contractors, have a wish for a modularized solution that supports the Linked Data approach and open information exchange and sharing between different stakeholders during the various life-cycle stages. The solutions shall enable integration of various tools and standards that are used throughout the whole life cycle of the road infrastructure in a vendor-neutral fashion. The tools and standards may concern areas such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geographical Information System (GIS) and Systems Engineering (SE). The V-Con PCP will use a phased approach with competitive development in four phases. By tendering in the first phase, phase 0, the tenderer will in competition with others have the possibility to receive co-funding in phase 1, 2 and 3. The maximum amount of financing; Phase 1 - € , Phase 2 - € , Phase 3 € V-Con Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)