Targeting Evidence Based Practices: Tools And Resources In Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Marilyn Gense and Annette Skowron-Gooch, Willamette ESD D. Jay Gense, Oregon Department of Education
Goals: Evidence based practices for assessing and determining eligibility for ASD Discussion of current research about effective practices; Supports for administrators and other staff to stay abreast of current issues and practices;
Evidence-Based Practice and Autism Spectrum Disorders Assessment
Resources Evidence-Based Assessment of Autism Spectrum disorders in Children and Adolescents (2005) (Ozonoff and Others) Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Autism in School (2006) (Brock and Others) Autism Spectrum Disorders, Issues in Assessment and Intervention (Prelock, P.)
ADOS Purpose: Allows you to accurately assess and diagnose autism and pervasive developmental disorder across ages, developmental levels, and language skills Ages / Grade: Toddlers to adults Administration Time: 35 to 40 minutes Format: Standardized behavioral observation and coding Score: Cutoff scores for both a narrow diagnosis of autism and a broader diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder
Training ADOS Training for Clinicians Clinical ADOS training is also available through WPS in many locations. For their schedule of workshops, visit their website at
ADR-I Purpose: Useful for diagnosing autism, planning treatment, and distinguishing autism from other developmental disorders Ages / Grade: Children and adults with a mental age above 2.0 years Administration Time: 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, including scoring Format: Standardized interview and response coding
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) by Michael Rutter, M.D., FRS, Anthony Bailey, M.D., and Catherine Lord, Ph.D.
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) Purpose: Offers a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to routinely screen for autism spectrum disorders Ages / Grade: Over 4.0 years, with a mental age over 2.0 years Administration Time: Less than 10 minutes Format: Parent questionnaire with 40 yes- or-no items. Current and Lifetime Forms Scores: Total score with cutoff points
PDD Behavior Inventory™ (PDDBI™) Ira L. Cohen, PhD, Vicki Sudhalter, PhD Purpose: Assess responsiveness to intervention in children with a pervasive developmental disorder in ages years Age Range: Preschool Child Admin: Rating Forms completed by informant (e.g., parent, teacher, caregiver); Individual or groupTime:30-45 minutes for Extended Forms; minutes for Standard Forms
Possible Language Assessments Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool Language Scales Test of Language Competence Children’s Communication Checklist
ASHA: Ad Hoc Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists in Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Life Span /html/PS html /html/PS html Knowledge and Skills Needed by Speech- Language Pathologists for Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Life Span cs/html/KS html cs/html/KS html
Guidelines for Speech- Language Pathologists in Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Life Span html/GL html html/GL html Principles for Speech- Language Pathologists in Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Life Span s/html/TR html s/html/TR html
Adaptive Behavior Assessment Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
Autism Research Centre /default.asp
Evidence-Based Practice and Autism Spectrum Disorders RESEARCH
Organization for Autism Research Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood: ding/documents/Transi tionGuide.pdf ding/documents/Transi tionGuide.pdf Research Opportunities: grants/application/inde x.asp grants/application/inde x.asp
National Autism Center National Standards Project NSP%20flyer_rev9-06.pdf
Evidence-Based Practice and Autism Spectrum Disorders SUPPORT
Statewide Consultative and Resource Services for ASD
Regional Programs ASD
State%20Library%20Inventory%20Lis t%20(for%20web).pdf
The PDA Center /index.html
The PDA Center: Articles Leave no autistic child behind Effects of Teaching Early Interventionists to Use Discrete Trials During Ongoing Classroom Activities Increasing Play Skills of Children With Autism Using Activity Schedules and Correspondence Training Services for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Voices of Parents and Providers Effects on Commuicative Requesting and Speech Development of the Picture Exchange Communication System in Children With Characteristics of Autism Effects on Commuicative Requesting and Speech Development of the Picture Exchange Communication System in Children With Characteristics of Autism ABA Therapy audo slide show with PDA Center principal investigator Ilene Schwartz Maternal Judgments of Intentionality in Young Children with Autism: The Effects of Diagnostic Information and Stereotyped Behavior. Maternal Judgments of Intentionality in Young Children with Autism: The Effects of Diagnostic Information and Stereotyped Behavior. Intensive Behavioral Treatment for Children With Autism: Four-Year Outcome and Predictors Leave No Child Left Behind and Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Project DATA for Toddlers: An Inclusive Approach to Very Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Project DATA for Toddlers: An Inclusive Approach to Very Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder The PDA Center is funded by the US Department of Education -- Office of Special Education ProgramsOffice of Special Education Programs
PDA Center: Resources Tip Sheets Research Briefs Presentations Publications.
Interactive Collaborative Autism Network (ican)