The Adult Autism Strategy A plan to help adults with autism have better lives
What is the Adult Autism Strategy? The Adult Autism Strategy is a plan to help adults with autism to have better lives It was written by the Government The plan is for adults with autism in England
What does the Adult Autism Strategy say? The plan says what the Government will do The plan also says what local councils and health services should do
What does the Adult Autism Strategy say? There are 5 parts of the Adult Autism Strategy. Part 1 is about making sure people know about autism Part 2 is about how adults can find out if they have autism 5
What does the Adult Autism Strategy say? Part 3 is about adults with autism getting the right services and support Part 4 is about helping adults with autism to get a job Part 5 is about what local areas (the council and the health service) should do to help adults with autism
Part 1: knowing about autism Everyone should know a little bit about autism Some people need to know more about autism: People who work in health services People who work in social services People who work at the Job Centre People who work for the police or prisons
Part 1: knowing about autism The Government is spending money to make sure there is help for people to know more about autism There will be: Films about autism and how to help Courses to do on the internet to find out about autism and how to help Posters and booklets about autism and how to help
Part 2: finding out if you have autism Every local area should have a plan for how people can find out if they have autism If someone is told they have autism, social services should see if they need any extra help Social services should also see if carers need any extra help
Part 3: getting the right services and support Services sometimes need to make changes so that people with autism can use their services Personal budgets are a way that adults with autism can choose what support or services to have Sometimes adults with autism need extra help to make choices It’s important that young people get help when they are moving from child services to adult services
Part 4: help to get a job People who work in the Job Centre need to know about autism Employers need to know about autism There should be help from the Government for people with autism to find and keep a job
Part 5: what local councils and health services should do Every local council should have a person who is in charge of helping adults with autism Every local area should write a plan about services for adults with autism Local areas should ask adults with autism and their carers and families what services they need before they write the plan Some areas have good services for adults with autism, for example autism expert teams. Other areas can learn from them
Making the Adult Autism Strategy happen RULES You should… You shouldn’t…. The Government is writing rules about making the Adult Autism Strategy happen If local councils and health services don’t do what is in the rules, they might have to go to court You can say what you think should be in the plan There is information on the internet:
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