1 Autism Spectrum Disorders
2 Vocabulary AS is asperger syndrome Stereotypies are nonfunctional types of repetitive behavior that are seen in children with autism Savant means ‘knowing’ and refers to children who have special talents Figurative language is nonconcrete language Neophobic is fear of new and unfamiliar people and situations
3 Autism Spectrum
4 Autism vs. Asperger (AS) AutismAS Language delays Normal development in the structure of language Can have a lower IQ/mental retardation IQ not affected/no cognitive delays but not as proficient in reading comprehension or math problems solving Imagination and communication impairments No significant imagination or communication impairments Repetitive behaviors or stereotypiesRepetitive behaviors in the form of routines Little awareness of social behavior Anxiety towards change Little understand of figurative language
5 Asperger Syndrome
6 General Description A neurobiological disorderat the “high end” of the autism spectrum--normal IQ 10% have some with savant talents
7 Prevalence 5 times more prevalent in males than females (DSM-IV)
8 Definition: Social Characterisitcs Diagnostic Criteria: A. Impairment in social interaction, seen as deficiencies in two of the following: 1.use of multiple nonverbal behavior (eye-to eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction) 2.appropriate peer relationships 3.spontaneous seeking to share 4.social/emotional reciprocity
9 Definition: Behavioral Characteristics B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: 1. preoccupation with one or more restricted patterns of interest 2. inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals 3. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects 4. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms
10 Emotional Characteristics Look at this linkthis link 1.Lack of empathy 2.Low emotional maturity & do not mature socially as they age (Myles)
11 Social Characteristics 1.Little or no ability to form friendships 2.Naïve, inappropriate one-sided interactions 3.In high school some AS students may pass socially as "nerds", a group they actually resemble in many ways and which may overlap with AS. 4.The AS adolescent may form friendships with other students who share his interests through avenues such as computer or math clubs, science fairs, etc.
Physical Characteristics 12 1.Clumsy and ill coordinated movements 2.Odd postures
13 No significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years). Good structural language skills Poor pragmatic everyday communication. Monotone, repetitive speech Communication Characteristics
14 Cognitive Characteristics Average to above average IQ. No significant delay in cognitive development or in age-appropriate self- help skills or adaptive behavior High ability to commit to memory various facts 11.9% of AS children were gifted, with an IQ of 130 greater (Henderson)
15 Summary: Verbal vs. Nonverbal Non-Verbal Lack of empathy Little or no ability to form friendships; naïve, inappropriate one-sided interactions Low emotional maturity & do not mature socially as they age (Myles) Poor non-verbal communication Intense absorption w/ certain subjects Clumsy and ill coordinated movements Odd postures (Tony Attwood) Verbal Monotone, repetitive speech Good structural language skills Poor pragmatic everyday communication.
16 Academic Characteristics Often, academic progress in the early grades is area of relative strength; for example, rote reading and calculation skills are usually quite good, and many children can obtain “high levels of factual information” Difficulties: 1.shifting attention 2.multitasking 3.planning/organizing 4.applying information and skills across settings 5.drawing inferences and applying knowledge 6.pencil skills 7.reading comprehension 8.written language and drawing tasks can cause anxiety
17 Outcomes 1.More can live independently and with some degree of economic self-sufficiency 2.Obstacle is finding the right job and work situation 3.Do better in supportive setting 1.in rural, less complex towns better than in big cities, where life is fast paced 2. in a family business 4.Vulnerability to a variety of psychiatric disorders
18 Accommodations Provide a safe place so the child can retreat when s/he becomes over stimulated or has difficulty adjusting to a new activity. 1.Establish a schedule early on, and be consistent with it. 2.Provide a visual representation of the daily schedule. 3.Write notes in advance for the child if the schedule is going to change for a special event. 4.Provide visual cue cards to use during instruction and teaching. 5.Set clear expectations and boundaries, and post them on the wall. 6.Provide verbal and written instructions for the child. 7.Ask questions to check the child’s understanding of the instructions. 8.Use a timer to limit perseveration/ echolalia/ singing. 9.Allow the child to earn “free time” in the child’s chosen area of interest, such as art or computers 10.Teach other children how to interact appropriately with the child with Asperger Syndrome in both academic and social settings. 11.Be patient and ready to teach both academic and social skills over and over again.
19 Interventions Medications Functional and Behavioral Analysis Behavioral Treatment: Social skills training Model and role-play social situations incorporating appropriate behaviors. Teach specific socially acceptable phrases to use in certain situations Provide social skills practice and role-playing for any upcoming social events. Provide a social skills notebook with stories of correct and incorrect social behaviors that the child can use as a guide and reference Provide visual cue cards of expected social behaviors, and place them in areas where those behaviors are expected. Write down what behavior the child is exhibiting and what behavior he or she should be exhibiting. Adapted Physical Education
20 Savant Abilities Savants are rare and have spectacular islands of brilliance, which stand in marked contrast to their disability 1.10% prevalence in autism 2.1% prevalence in those who are not autistic but had intellectual disabilities or major mental illness)
21 Cognitive Characteristics Generally they excel in one of the following areas: 1.Mathematical calculations 2.Memory feats 3.Artistic abilities 4.Musical abilities
22 Kim Peek The real Rain Man
23 Alonzo Clemons Alonzo is a savant. He is known for his sculptures.
24 Alonzo can see a fleeting image on a television screen of any animal, and in less than 20 minutes sculpt a perfect replica of that animal in three- dimensional accuracy. The wax animal is correct in each and every detail -- every fiber and muscle.
25 Richard Wawro Known world-wide, for his detailed drawings using wax oil crayons as his only medium.
26 References Craig, J. & Baron-Cohen, S. (1999). Creativity and Imagination in Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29, Ghaziuddin, M., Thomas, P., Napier, E., Kearney, G., Tsai, L., Welch, K., & Fraser, W. (2000). Brief Report: Brief Syntactic Analysis in Asperger Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, Myles, B.S. & Adreon, D. (2001). Asperger Syndrome and Adoloscence. Kansas: Autism Asperger Publishing Company. Rinehart, N.J., Bradshaw, J.L., Brereton, A.V., &* Tonge, B.T. (2001). Movement Preparation in High-Functioning Autism and ASperger Disorder: A Serial Choice Reaction time Task Involving Motor Reprogramming. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, Siegal, B. (1996). The World of the Autistic Child. New York: Oxford University Press. Wing, L. (2001). The Autistic Spectrum. California: Ulysses Press