Mental Health Connection
Care Options Child Study Center Cook Children’s Medical Center (Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Rehabilitation) Easter Seals of North Texas ECI Hand in Hand MHMR of Tarrant County Texas Council on Autism The Art Station Parents
Improve early identification/screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders Identify gaps in service, especially in early identification/navigation Collaborate/network among stakeholders to improve service delivery
Identify gaps among key agencies Survey conducted over 3 months ◦ N = 120* ◦ Ages 0-3 = 46.6% ◦ Ages 4-6 = 53.4% Participants: ◦ Child Study Center = 25% ◦ Cook Children’s Medical Center (Psychology and Rehabilitation) = 49% ◦ Easter Seals = 26% *ECI of North Tarrant County (data not included)
Who conducted the screening? ◦ PCP/Pediatrician/other MD = 35% ◦ ISD = 29.7% ◦ ECI = 21.6% ◦ Other health care provider (ex: Speech Therapists, Psychologists) = 13.5%
Previous Treatment: ◦ Speech Therapy = 45% ◦ Occupational Therapy = 25% ◦ ABA = 7% ◦ Physical Therapy = 6% ◦ PPCD = 4% ◦ Medication = 4% ◦ Counseling = 2% ◦ Social Skills Group = 2% ◦ ECI (non specified) = 2% ◦ Equine Therapy = 2% ◦ Unknown = 2%
HIPPA restrictions 2 months data collection 184 cases of suspected ASD identified Distribution across Tarrant County: ◦ Fort Worth = 22.5% ◦ N/NE Tarrant = 26.25% ◦ South = 10% ◦ West/NW = 16.25% ◦ East/SE = 25%
Exit from ECI system Too few Medicaid providers (Speech, ABA, psychologists) System navigation
Pilot program for adults TEA DADS/DARS Autism Resource Center CSC ECI Fewer services in southern part of Tarrant County Navigator