Autism 101 Autism Conference San Angelo, Texas June 2012
Spectrum Each Characteristic Unique expression of characteristics ASD exists alone and with any other dx Evolving knowledge Problems of the past Problems of the present
Neuro-biological Neurological system works in a different manner – Speed – Complexity – Personal interest – Stress – Incorrect interpretation by others – Sensory Issues – Gastro-intestinal Issues
Three areas of diagnosis Six areas of concern Communication/cognitive Social or relatedness Behavior Medical Issues Sensory Issues DSM – IV and V
DSM-IV –R Comparisions Au AS PDD/NOS Social Impairment Communication Restricted range of interest or behavior ? ?
Learning Styles Visual Uneven development Rote memory vs. application of knowledge Concrete, linear, literal Incorrect interpretation by others Fine motor skills
Typically Developing Child Enters First GradeChild with Autism Enters First Grade 3 to 5 years to learn Behavior and Social Skills Prerequisites for Successful Learning
Research Connectivity Genetics Early, early intervention Why the explosion in terms of #s Interventions
Peer Reviewed Scientifically Based Value of research Bias of research Medical vs. educational Funding Resources – TARGET – National Professional Development Center – National Autism Center
TEA’s Response to ASD Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism – TARGET – Core Training – Model Sites – Community Assessment, Plan and Toolkit Collaborate with Texas Council for Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – TARRC – Legislative initiatives – Local input
Hot Topics Epidemic Immunizations ABA DSM-V Insurance Commissioner’s Rules
Co-Morbidity 90% have sensory processing problems 65% have sleep disturbances 50% have GI sensitivities 50% have Intellectual Disabilities* 30% have seizures* Food Sensitivities/Feeding Issues Anxiety Depression Very few have friends Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee 2011 *Not stated numerically in citation.
Your Concerns……..