Autism Spectrum Disorder A disorder characterised by extreme unresponsiveness to others, poor communication skills and highly repetitive routine type behaviours. Keoni Hosking The word ‘spectrum’ is used because of the wide range of differences in the experience of autism. No two people with autism are alike in the specific symptoms they experience and the severity of their symptoms.
Category's of Symptoms: 1)Social interaction-Find it hard to form normal relationships and often respond inappropriately in social situations. 2)Communication-Autistic individuals either have no language, or very limited language skills. 3) Behaviour- Children with Autism normally have limited range of behaviour, which they tend to repeat. (comforting to them and has calming effect)
*It’s symptoms are very apparent by the time they are 3 years of age. Children and infants who has the disease have difficulty interacting with and communicating with others, so this means that they don’t usually make strong attachments. *They make very little eye contact and do not respond when cuddled. When speaking, they tend to use formal, mechanical and monotone. This is where there is no variation when they speak. ABOUT AUTISM
*The individuals may display ecolalia, where they repeat back what someone else has said *Are strongly attached with particular objects and some develop pre-occupation with their hands or fingers. Some even spend long periods of time intently watching their own hands or fingers, mesmerised by their movements.
*Most individuals with the disorder have low levels of intellectual functioning, but some have exceptional ability in a very specific area. *Some have normal or above normal intelligence but these individuals have a less severe kind of autism.
Famous People with/had autism: -Mozart -Tim Burton -Albert Einstein -Sir Isaac Newton -Michelangelo -Andy Warhol -Dan Aykroyd -Courtney Love
Genetic risk factors The results of family and twin studies suggest that genetic factors play a role in the study of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders. Studies have consistently found that the prevalence of autism in siblings of autistic children is approximately 15 to 30 times greater than the rate in the general population. In addition, research suggests that there is a much higher concordance rate among monozygotic twins (identical) compared to dizygotic twins(non-identical). It appears that there is no single gene that can account for autism. Instead, there seems to be multiple genes involved, each of which is a risk factor for part of the autism syndrome through various groups
*Research evidence suggests that most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder have some kind of brain dysfunction whereby different parts of the brain do not communicate in a normal way. This may be a result of either a physical or chemical change in the developing of the brain either before birth or in early infancy. Although, researchers have proposed that environmental factors primarily contribute to the disorder. In some research evidence, it was suggested that contact with rubella (German measles) either before or after birth may be a factor in autism. How someone gets Autism