Joo Tan & Heather Duncan Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Research Grant Web application Autistic individuals Daily routines with minimal supervision Apple iPad
Survey 1 in 88 children (2012) Up from 1 in 110 children (2007) Categories Autistic (“classic”) disorder Severe Mid-range Asperger syndrome
Apple iPad HTML5 jQuery Mobile
Goals Easy to use Simple visual interface Precise instructions Reward phrases/prompts Detailed steps Video/Voice option
Phase 1 Surveyed existing mobile applications Surveyed existing features in apps Analyzed requirements Initial design (mockups) Use cases Scenarios
Phase 2 Gathered suitable tasks Created prototype web application Usage testing with one client Modifications to application Testing with four other clients Analyzed results Minor adjustments
Main Step
Include detailed instructions & Show completed steps
Main step with detailed instructions
Available tasks
Main step with detailed instructions & completed steps
Supervisor Interface Enter/update instructions Include audio/video Database Save/update tasks Populate task instructions Report Timekeeping/Duration Summary of attempted tasks
Simple yet effective web application Positive feedback Most useful for mid-range individuals