Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Amanda Smith, MSW, LSW Early Reach Coordinator OVR and the Early Reach Initiative Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
What Do You Know About OVR ?
Today’s Topics OVR’s Mission OVR Process Service Provision Early Reach InitiativeEarly Reach Initiative
OVR’s Mission To assist Pennsylvanians with disabilities secure and maintain employment and independence
What Disabilities Might Be Eligible? Autism ADHD Anxiety Cerebral Palsy Depression Diabetes Dyslexia Epilepsy Hearing Impairments Intellectual Disability Learning Disability Multiple Sclerosis OCD Physical Disabilities Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Speech Impairment Skeletal and Joint Disease Substance Use Disorders Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairments
OVR Process
Assessment & Review
Eligibility Counselor should ask: Does this individual have an impairment, and does it constitute a substantial impediment to employment? Does this individual require vocational rehabilitation services to maintain employment or become employed? Is the individual able to benefit from OVR services to achieve employment?
The individual must have physical, mental, or sensory impairments that seriously limit three or more of the individual’s functional capacities: Mobility Self-Care Work Tolerance Interpersonal Skills Work Skills Communication Self Direction Eligibility
Set Job Goal
Develop plan
Service Provision Diagnostic Services Vocational Evaluation Counseling & Guidance Training Restoration Services Placement Assistance Assistive Technology
Early Reach Initiative Outreach Education Consultation
Early Reach? How early? Am I eligible?
Early Reach Initiative Assist youth with a disability in preparing for their transition into the world of work and independence Reach individuals at age 14 Provide outreach through group presentations Prepare youth for their work with a vocational rehabilitation counselor
Who Could Benefit From Group Outreach? Students/Classroom s Teachers Supports Coordinators Children and Youth Services Employees Support Groups Trauma Centers Pediatricians IU Meetings Career/Health Fairs Medical Specialists Disability Organizations County MH/ID Blended Case Managers Students with IEPs or 504 s
Who Could Benefit from Individual Outreach? Youth with a disability who: Would like to learn more about OVR services Are 14 and up and may not be ready to work with an OVR counselor Youth who have dropped out Youth without natural supports Individuals in the foster system Homeless youth Youth involved in the criminal justice system Youth with mental health concerns Youth without services or without appropriate services
Presentation Topics > OVR Basics What is Transition ? Soft Skills & Hard Skills Career Exploration Getting Ready for Work Interviewing Skills Advocacy Skills & Self Determination Exploring Colleges
Goals and Outcomes > 1. Cohesiveness & collaboration 2. Community members will have an accurate understanding of OVR Services 3. Increase of appropriate referrals for service 4. Customers will come to OVR prepared for services 5. Increase of customer investment 6. Empowerment & Self-Advocacy of customers
Early Reach Initiative Providing outreach to students, families & community organizations Reaching out PURPOSEFULLY & CREATIVELY
Early Reach Coordinators >
THANK YOU ! Referrals can be made in person or by calling the Washington Office of Vocational Rehabilitation 201 W. Wheeling Street Washington, PA Amanda Smith, MSW, LSW Early Reach Coordinator , ext. 238