MInD Multiple Intelligences and Disabilities usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
MInD usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
What does MInD stand for usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
What are Multiple Intelligences usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
"It's not HOW smart you are- It's how YOU are smart "- Howard Gardner,**Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard School of Education at Harvard University Typically children are considered "intelligent and smart" only if they perform well in studies and are good with reading, writing and mathematics Howard Gardner** has brought in a whole new way to our understanding of intelligence and nurturing potential The way is path breaking.... usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
Why are Multiple Intelligences of relevance for Persons with Disabilities? usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
How does MI help with children with special needs? usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
Where can the multiple intelligences approach be used? usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar
When can Multiple Intelligences be used for children with special needs? usha ramakrishnan-vidya sagar