The Muscular and Skeletal Systems 2 Leaving Certificate Biology
€ 100 € 200 € 300 € 500 € 2,000 € 1,000 € 4,000 € 8,000 € 16,000 € 32,000 € 64,000 € 125,000 € 250,000 € 500,000 €1,000,
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For €100: What type of joint is found at the knee? A B C D Ball and socket joint Sliding joint Gliding jointHinge joint 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
D: Hinge joint You have won €100 Next Question
For €100: What type of joint is found at the knee? A B C D Gliding jointHinge joint Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €100. It has to be D Chris Back to question
Radius For €200: Which of the following is not part of the forelimb? A B C D Tarsals MetacarpalsHumerus 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
A: Tarsals You have won €200 Next Question
For €200: Which of the following is not part of the forelimb? A B C D Tarsals Metacarpals Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €200. It’s definitely A Chris Back to question
For €300: If you damaged your patella, which part of the body would be affected? A B C D Backbone Knee SkullFoot 50:5050:50 Ask the audiencePhone a friendAsk the audiencePhone a friend
B: Knee You have won €300 Next Question
For €300: If you damaged your patella, which part of the body would be affected? A B C D Backbone Knee Ask the audiencePhone a friendAsk the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €300. I’m 80% certain that it's … B Back to question
For €500: Which of the following is found only in the human forelimb? A B C D Tibia Carpal TarsalFemur 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
B: Carpal You have won €500 Next Question
For €500: Which of the following is found only in the human forelimb? A B C D Carpal Tarsal Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €500. That’s definitely B Back to question
For €1,000: A tissue specialised for contraction is … A B C D Nervous Blood AdiposeMuscle 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
Congratulations D: Muscle You have won €1, May-15 The Contestant € 1, One thousand euro only Next Question
For €1,000: A tissue specialised for contraction is … A B C D AdiposeMuscle Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €1,000. I really don’t know this one, just let me think... Back to question
For €2,000: Muscles working in pairs in opposite directions controlling the movement of a joint are called … A B C D Biceps Lever muscles Antagonistic muscles Triceps 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
C: Antagonistic muscles You have won €2,000 Next Question
For €2,000: Muscles working in pairs in opposite directions controlling the movement of a joint are called … A B C D Lever muscles Antagonistic muscles Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €2,000. I know this one, it's … B, I think Back to question
For €4,000: All the bones in the body except the skull, vertebral column, sternum and ribs is known as the … A B C D Pentadactyl limb Appendicular skeleton Axial skeletonSkeleton 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
B: Appendicular skeleton You have won €4,000 Next Question
For €4,000: All the bones in the body except the skull, vertebral column, sternum and ribs is known as the … A B C D Appendicular skeleton Axial skeleton Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €4,000. It is definitely A... Wait a minute it may be C Back to question
For €8,000: The eight small bones in the wrist are collectively called the … A B C D Carpals Carpels Wrist bonesTarsals 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
A: Carpals You have won €8,000 Next Question
For €8,000: The eight small bones in the wrist are collectively called the … A B C D Carpals Carpels Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €8,000. I am not sure, I would guess A Back to question
For €16,000: Muscles not under conscious control, e.g. heart muscle, muscle along intestines for peristalsis, etc. are called … A B C D Automatic Involuntary AutonomicVoluntary 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
B: Involuntary You have won €16,000 Next Question
For €16,000: Muscles not under conscious control, e.g. heart muscle, muscle along intestines for peristalsis, etc. are called … A B C D Involuntary Autonomic Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €16,000. I am not sure, I’d chance B Back to question
For €32,000: Which of the following fluids are associated with a joint? A B C D Endolymph Lymph Synovial fluid Plasma 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
C: Synovial fluid You have won €32, May-15 The Contestant € 32, Thirty two thousand euro only Next Question
For €32,000: Which of the following fluids are associated with a joint? A B C D Endolymph Synovial fluid Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €32,000. I believe it is … A Back to question
For €64,000: What name is given to the non-elastic connective tissue that joins muscle to bone? A B C D Ligature Tendril LigamentTendon 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
D: Tendon You have won €64,000 Next Question
For €64,000: What name is given to the non-elastic connective tissue that joins muscle to bone? A B C D LigamentTendon Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €64,000. I think it is C or D. I’m nor sure which. Take a chance on D. Back to question
For €125,000: Name the type of bone joint found in the skull and coccyx. A B C D Gliding Hinge FusedBall and socket 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
C: Fused You have won €125,000 Next Question
For €125,000: Name the type of bone joint found in the skull and coccyx. A B C D Gliding Fused Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €125,000. I know it. Oh! Chance C or D Back to question
For €250,000: A disease due to a deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of children. Symptoms include: softening of the bones of the spinal column and bowlegs. A B C D Osteoporosis Rickets OsteomalaciaPellegra 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
B: Rickets You have won €250,000 Next Question
For €250,000: A disease due to a deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of children. Symptoms include: softening of the bones of the spinal column and bowlegs. A B C D Osteoporosis Rickets Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €250,000. It’s either A or B, I’m 100% certain of that. Back to question
For €500,000: Name the large bone cell, having more than one nucleus that can break down and absorb calcified bone. A B C D Osteocyte Osteoclast OsteoblastOssicle 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
B: Osteoclast You have won €500,000 Next Question
For €500,000: Name the large bone cell, having more than one nucleus that can break down and absorb calcified bone. A B C D Osteocyte Osteoclast Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €500,000. I know this? Is it B? Back to question
For €1,000,000: Name the type of bone cell found embedded within the bone matrix that has ceased its function of forming bone. A B C D Osteoclast Ossicle OsteoblastOsteocyte 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend
Congratulations You are a Millionaire! 24-May-15 The Contestant € 1,000, One million euro only
For €1,000,000: Name the type of bone cell found embedded within the bone matrix that has ceased its function of forming bone. A B C D Ossicle Osteocyte Ask the audiencePhone a friend
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Phone a friend Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €1,000,000. I do not have a clue I’m afraid Back to question
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WRONG ANSWER Hard Luck You leave with a cheque for €1, Try Again 24-May-15 The Contestant € 1, One thousand euro only
WRONG ANSWER Hard Luck You leave with a cheque for €32, Try Again 24-May-15 The Contestant € 32, Thirty two thousand euro only