The Muscular System The Muscular System
Sternomastoid/Neck Sternomastoid/Neck Muscle responsible for turning head Muscle responsible for turning head
Trapezius/Hoy Death Grip Trapezius/Hoy Death Grip Muscle responsible for raising the shoulders Muscle responsible for raising the shoulders
Deltoid/Shoulders Deltoid/Shoulders Muscle responsible for lifting the arm Muscle responsible for lifting the arm
Pectoral Major/Pecs, Chest Pectoral Major/Pecs, Chest Muscle responsible for pulling arms towards the chest and lifting the ribs Muscle responsible for pulling arms towards the chest and lifting the ribs
Biceps/Front of the arm Biceps/Front of the arm Muscle responsible for raising the forearm Muscle responsible for raising the forearm
Triceps/Back of the arm Triceps/Back of the arm Muscle responsible for lowering the arm Muscle responsible for lowering the arm
Latissimus Dorsi/Mid to upper back Muscle responsible for moving the ribs Muscle responsible for moving the ribs
Rectus Abdominus/Abs Rectus Abdominus/Abs Stabilizes the back, posture Stabilizes the back, posture
External Obliques/Love Handles External Obliques/Love Handles Muscle responsible for flattening the abdomen Muscle responsible for flattening the abdomen
Gluteus Medius/Upper Butt Gluteus Medius/Upper Butt Muscle that helps generates power for any leg movement Muscle that helps generates power for any leg movement
Gluteus Maximus/Butt Gluteus Maximus/Butt Muscle that generates power for leg movements Muscle that generates power for leg movements
Sartorius Sartorius Muscle responsible for rotating the thigh Muscle responsible for rotating the thigh
Hamstring/Back of the leg Hamstring/Back of the leg Muscle responsible for bending the leg at the knee Muscle responsible for bending the leg at the knee
Gastrocnemius/Calf Gastrocnemius/Calf Muscle responsible for raising the heel Muscle responsible for raising the heel
Achilles Tendon Achilles Tendon Largest tendon in the human body, plays a large part in walking and running Largest tendon in the human body, plays a large part in walking and running