FUNCTIONS: ◦ Body Movement ◦ Pump Blood Throughout body ◦ Move food through digestive system ◦ Control air movement in and out of the lungs
CONTRACTION: Shortening of a muscle. EXTENSION: stretching of a muscle.
Muscles work in opposition, while one contracts, the other extends. Antagonistic = work in opposition, muscles do this, so one muscle would be the antagonistic muscle to another one. Examples = bicep/triceps quadriceps/hamstrings
SMOOTH MUSCLE: control movements of internal organs. ◦ Involuntary movements…work without conscious control. ◦ Intestines, bronchi of the lungs, the bladder.
SKELETAL MUSCLE: striped or striated muscles attached to the bones that cause body movement. ◦ Biceps, triceps. ◦ Largest part of the body’s muscular system. ◦ Voluntary movements, conscious control. ◦ FLEXORS: muscles that close a joint. ◦ EXTENSORS: muscles that open a joint.
CARDIAC MUSCLE: striated tissue that forms the wall of the heart. ◦ Involuntary muscle. ◦ Heart contracts rhythmically about 100,000 times a day.
ATROPHY: waste away (“Use it or lose it”) MUSCLE TONE: the natural tension in the fibers of a muscle. ◦ Aerobic exercise, resistance training, balanced diet. ◦ Older adults…prevent loss of mobility, balance, and risk of falls. ◦ The heart is a muscle that needs “training”…regular exercise. ◦ Stretching, warm-up, cool down. ◦ As always safety.
MUSCLE SORENESS: damage to the muscle fibers themselves. Muscle biopsies taken on the day after hard exercise show bleeding and disruption of the z-band filaments that hold muscle fibers together as they slide over each other during a contraction.
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS: muscles become weak and easily fatigued. ◦ Eye muscles…drooping eyelids and double vision. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: inherited disorder characterized by a progressive wasting away of skeletal muscles. ◦ No cure.
MUSCLE STRAIN: “pulled muscle”, tearing or stretching of muscles fibers as a result of suddenly pulling them to far.
BRUISE: discolored area under the skin caused by a leakage of blood after an injury. After Femur fracture
TENDINITIS: the inflammation of a tendon, usually caused by overuse.
HERNIA: the protrusion of an organ of tissue through a weak area in the muscle.
Cartilage = allows smooth movement at a joint – connects the ribs and is a cushion between vertebrae. Ligaments = connect bone to bone at a joint. Tendons = a band of fiber that connects muscles to bones.
Muscle tissue is ◦ ¾ water ◦ The remaining ¼ is 20% protein substances 5% nonprotein and mineral substances.
What is ATP? ◦ Adenosine Triphosphate is a nonprotein chemical substance in muscle tissue. It is a source of immediate energy for muscle contraction. What is Glycogen? - An organic compound in muscles. Stored in cells and used as the body needs energy.