Control of chemical substances in India which covers recent chemical Substances related major accidents in India as well as relevant laws & regulations Presenter A.G.Shingore National Safety council, India
(i)“Isolated storage” means storage of a hazardous chemical, other than storage associated with an installation on the same site specified in Schedule 4 where that storage involves at least the quantities of that chemical set out in Schedule 2. Schedule 2 e.g. Chemical Threshold qty in tonnes 1. Ammonia Chlorine Bromine Ethylene oxide 5 5. Hydrogen cyanide 5
Schedule 3 e.g. Chemical Threshold qty in Kgs 1. Iso benzene Benzidine 1 3. Benzidine salts 1 4. Ethion Phorate 100
Schedule 5 e.g Authorities with Duties & legal backing corresponding Rule 1.Chief Inspector of Factories 1.Notification of major accidents as per rule 5(1) & 5 (2)
(1) General responsibilities of the Occupier during Industrial activity. * Isolated storage of hazardous chemicals. * Hazardous chemicals which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in the Rule. * Identify major accident hazards. * Prevention of major accidents & limit their consequences to persons & the environment
(2) Notification of Major Accident:- * Notify & inform to concerned authority within 48 hrs. * Full analysis of major accident through concerned authority. * Steps taken to avoid any repetition of such occurrence on a site. * Compilation of information regarding major accidents from concerned authority.
(3) Approval & Notification of sites : * Approval granted for industrial activity from concerned authority. * Notify for threshold quantity more of an additional hazardous chemical (4) Safety Reports & Safety Audit Reports : * Preparation of safety report on industrial activity. * Submission of report to concerned authority.
Safety Reports & Safety Audit Reports (contd..) * Preparation of safety report in consultation with concerned authority on industrial activity. * Submission of report to concerned authority. * Independent safety audit with the help of an expert, not associated with such industrial activities. * Updating of safety reports for modifications & or new activity.
( 5 ) Preparation of On Site Emergency Plan by the Occupier :- * Prepare & keep up to date on site emergency plan to deal with major accidents. * Information to the every person on the site who is affected by the plan. * Mock drill of the on site emergency plan & submit the report to concerned authority.
( 6 ) Preparation of Off Site Emergency Plans by the Authority :- * Prepare & keep up to date off site emergency plan to deal with off site emergencies. * Provision of information from occupier to concerned authority on industrial activity. * Rehearsal of the off site emergency plan by the concerned authority.
( 7) Information to be given to persons liable to be affected by major accident.:- * Appropriate steps to inform persons outside the site either directly or through District Emergency Authority about : a) Nature of the major accident hazard b) Safety measures, Do’s & Don’ts which should be adopted in the event of major accident.
( 8 ) Collection, Development & Dissemination of Information * Arrange to obtain or develop information in the form of safety data sheet & access to the information. * Hazardous chemical handle by occupier shall ensure that the information is recorded accurately & reflects the scientific evidence used in making hazard determination * Container of hazardous chemical shall be clearly labelled or marked to identify : a) Contains of the container b) Name & address of the manufacturer or importer. c) Physical, chemical & toxicological data.
(9) Import of hazardous chemicals : * Person responsible for importing hazardous chemicals in India shall provide the information pertaining to: a) Name & address of the person receiving concerned in India. b) The port of entry in India. c) Mode of transport from the exporting country in India. d) Quantity of chemical (s) being imported e) Complete product safety information.
Import of hazardous chemicals – (contd..) f) Safety measures to avoid likely cause of major accident. g) Safety & environmental considerations. h) Appropriate steps regarding safe handling & storage of hazardous chemicals while off loading the consignment within the port premises. i) Maintain the records of hazardous chemicals imported j) Transportation of hazardous chemical from port to the ultimate destination is in accordance with the central motor vehicles Rules, 1989
Releavent Laws & Regulations, 1. Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, * Notification of site. * Safety reports & safety audits. 2. Control of Industrial Major Accidents Hazards Rules, * Duties of chief inspector * General duties of Occupier
Releavent Laws & Regulations, 3. Central Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 & Central Motor Vehicles Rules, * Road tanker fitness * Transport emergency card ( TREM CARD) 4. Chemical Accidents ( Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response) Rule 1996 * Preparation of On site emergency plan * Periodic mock drills
Releavent Laws & Regulations, 5. Public liability Insurance Act * Insurance policy for people around the vicinity by occupier 6. Petroleum Act 1934 & Rules 1976 * License for storage & use of Petroleum products. * Safety & fire fighting provisions for storage
Releavent Laws & Regulations, 7. Explosive Act, 1884 * License for storage & use of explosives. * Safety & fire fighting provisions for storage 8. The Gas cylinder Rules, 2004 * License for storage & use of compressed gas cylinder. * Safety & fire fighting provisions for storage
Accident – 1 a) Name of Industry : Century Rayon Chemical Ind. Ltd. b) Type of Accident : Explosion Acid Burn. c) Description : i) Installation of new Sulfuric acid tank was going on. ii) Two employees were doing their job on top of the tank. iii) suddenly the near by another acid tank got exploded due to ignition source of fabrication
Accident – 1 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two fatality, three serious injured ii) Pollution of work place environment iii) Loss of Property e) Root Causes : i) Nescent hydrogen caught fire. ii) Hot work permission very near to acid filled tank.
Accident – 2 a) Name of Industry : Paschim Chemicals b) Type of Accident : Explosion & Chemical Burn. c) Description : i) During trial batch on plant & completion of solvent & acid addition heating was started. ii) After 15 min. pressure observed on reactor indicator. iii) Solvent vapours came out through flange joints of reactor. iv) Resulted in explosion due to electrical spark.
Accident – 2 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Three fatality, three serious injured ii) Less productivity e) Root Causes : i) Non-flameproof electrical installations ii) Hazard identification & Risk assessment & control was inadequate.
Accident – 3 a) Name of Industry : Shrihari Chemicals b) Type of Accident : Acid Burn. c) Description : i) Reactor pressurised due to exothermic reaction containing oleum & solvent. ii) The mixture came out from reactor manhole. iii) Two workers working below the reactor injured due to splashing of acid & during treatment they died.
Accident – 3 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two fatality ii) Pollution in work place environment. e) Root Causes : i) High rate of oleum addition due to failure of orifice. ii) Hazard operatability ( HAZOP ) study & interlocks were not appropriate.
Accident – 4 a) Name of Industry : Anshul Chemicals b) Type of Accident : Release of Toxic Gas c) Description : i) Chlorination was started at 9.00 p.m. approximately 300 Kgs chlorine was passed. ii) Reactor containing intermediate chemicals. ii) At about p.m. it was observed that release of toxic gas from scrubber vent. iv) Dispersed around the area. v) Employees of near by industries were affected by inhalation.
Accident – 4 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Respiratory problem to employees & near by villagers. ii) Ambient air Pollution. e) Root Causes : i) Failure of scrubbing system. ii) Leak detectors & alarms were not in operation. iii) Preventive Maintenance.
Accident – 5 a) Name of Industry : Jyoti chemicals b) Type of Accident : Explosion c) Description : i) Reaction containing flammable mixture completed. ii) Batch transferred to another kettle. iii) Applied inert gas to avoid flammable containment in the system. iv) As soon as nitrogen gas applied explosion took place in the system.
Accident – 5 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two fatality & five injured. ii) Loss of property. e) Root Causes : i) Instead of inert gas air was applied. ii) No system to ensure the specific inert gas or air in the cylinder.
Accident – 6 a) Name of Industry : Nirmal colourants ltd. b) Type of Accident : Fire c) Description : i) Charging of solid material from HDPE bags to kettle going on. ii) Fire took place due to static charge.
Accident – 6 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) One fatal & Three injured. e) Root Causes : i) Earthing & bonding was not adequately provided to neutralize the static charge generated. ii) Potential hazard involved in the process was not captured properly by using hazard identification techniques like HAZOP study.
Accident – 7 a) Name of Industry : Unichem Laboratories. b) Type of Accident : Chemical Burn c) Description : i) Mixed acid charging in the reactor was in progress. ii) Level gauge of mixed acid measuring vessel broken. iii) Mixed acid splashed on the body of two employees.
Accident – 7 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two injured seriously. e ) Root Causes : i) Inadequate preventive maintenance. ii) Employees not aware about potential hazard involved in the operation. iii) Lack of awareness training.
Accident – 8 a) Name of Industry : KDL biotech limited. b) Type of Accident : Fire c) Description : i) Solvent unloading from tanker to drums having 200 lits capacity was in progress. ii) 50% of solvent unloaded in HDPE drums. iii) Fire took place near tanker. iv) Solvent storage godown also caught fire.
Accident – 8 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) One fatal & nine injured. ii) Loss of property. e ) Root Causes : i) Static charge generated during unloading solvent from tanker to drum. ii) No proper earthing & bonding arrangement while unloading solvent from tanker to drum to neutralize the static charge. iii) Lack of awareness training.
Accident – 9 a) Name of Industry : Ispat limited. b) Type of Accident : suffocation c) Description : i) Two workers were doing maintenance work inside the kettle. ii) Personnel from production started charging CO in the same kettle. iii) Assuming that it is empty & ready for charging next batch. iv) Due to inhalation of carbon monoxide two workers died in the kettle.
Accident – 9 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two fatal. e ) Root Causes : i) Ineffectiveness of work permit system. ii) Lack of awareness training.
Accident – 10 a) Name of Industry : Gharda chemicals. b) Type of Accident : Release of poisonous gas c) Description : i) During addition of solvent in agrochemicals intermediate kettle. ii) Toxic & poisonous gas started releasing from flange joints. iii) Shop floor workers affected due to inhalation of poisonous gas.
Accident – 10 ( contd..) d) Consequences : i) Two fatal & three injured e ) Root Causes : i) Hazard not identified & risk was not evaluated before starting the batch. ii) Improper MOC of gasket. iii) No proper scrubbing system.
Accident – 11 a) Name of Industry : Leakage of Bromine during transportation. b) Type of Accident : Release of Toxic gas c) Description : i) Transportation of Bromine carried out through glass bottle having 3 Kgs capacity in wooden box by goods vehicle. ii) During transportation few bottles broken & started leaking. iii) Due to leakage near by area affected with bromine gas.
Accident – 11 (contd..) d) Consequences : i) People around the area affected due to inhalation. e) Root Causes : i) Inadequate packing of bromine bottle. ii) Untrained driver.